Jersey Town Gets Tough on Illegals

Pillaging ?
You drunk or something tonight ?

Did I say anything about right, I talked of legal and illegal. Not the same thing.
Pillaging ?
You drunk or something tonight ?

Did I say anything about right, I talked of legal and illegal. Not the same thing.

And why are illegals coming to America?

Maybe we shouldn't make it such a ridiculously difficult process to become an American? And maybe we shouldn't quota Mexicans in our racist fashion?
That is what I thought Damo.

Hwy WM why are you so focused on Mexicans ?

We have illegal borats too ;)
Because it is easier to simplify it to "racist xenophobes" if you only admit to one "race" as illegally crossing into the US.

It is one of the 'conversation stoppers' that I believe I have spoken of before on this board. You call somebody a "xenophobe" and they are supposed to bend over backwards to agree with you so that they don't get called politically correct "bad" names.
Makes sense Damo.
I am just concerned with the illegal part and the employers that take advantage of the illegals.
I have no problem with people wanting and working to make their life better.
Does xenophobia extend to cover the religiophobes ? Those who hate and fear someone because they are a different religion.
Makes sense Damo.
I am just concerned with the illegal part and the employers that take advantage of the illegals.
I have no problem with people wanting and working to make their life better.
Which is my point. We need to make it difficult to cross illegally and open the front door. My whole thing is simply knowing who is coming in rather than letting it go by totally unregulated. Even back in the day before "illegal immigration" was even possible, there were requirements on entry.

But this sneak in the back only ensures that they will be treated as flotsam at every step, taken advantage of, lost in a crowd of others taken advantage of the same way.

But heck I'm a "xenophobe" and therefore I must think that every illegal is "Mexican.."
Because it is easier to simplify it to "racist xenophobes" if you only admit to one "race" as illegally crossing into the US.

It is one of the 'conversation stoppers' that I believe I have spoken of before on this board. You call somebody a "xenophobe" and they are supposed to bend over backwards to agree with you so that they don't get called politically correct "bad" names.

I think that this issue gets demagogued on both sides. Certainly, Water has demonstrated for us, quite effectively, how it is demagogued on that side. Look to Lou Dobbs to see how it is done on the other side. Added to his general demagoguery, he has people who belong to very racist groups on his show, and does not even reveal that very pertinent fact.

It would be nice to have a national conversation about this subject, without racists, and people like water with their hysterics, dirtying it. It's an important subject, and there are facts that buttress both sides. They need to be sorted out. That is the only way to come to an agreement on a sensible immigration policy.
But heck I'm a "xenophobe" and therefore I must think that every illegal is "Mexican.."

Yep I am apparently in the same club.
I am just not sure we can affordt to open the door wide open all at once. Unless we want to wind up spending all of our GDP on medical, welfare,education, etc...But keep it open yes.