Jesse Watters Outraged by Harris Grocery Shopping With Her Husband

Strange I saw that episode and the clip live and I remember it being a humorous segment. We always get a kick out of watching Kamala Harris and Dougie trying to look like a real folks, it's very entertaining.
Probably headed over to Liz' place later to crack a brewskie.
No one is joking about Kamala going to the grocery store. They're disappointed that Jesse Watters thinks that it is 1952 and men don't do the shopping.

Got it now? Was it a joke? If so then , haha . Very hilarious.

If you had actually addressed the "controversy" maybe you could have.
there's no controversy, retarded simpleton.


Emhoff is a great man for going to the grocery store.
Sigh. You are such a shriveled version of your former self. You should be embarrassed, but shame, guilt, and a desire to be better do not exist in MAGAt DNA. You don't need to be outraged about Watters' - and your - incessant, irrational obsession with the Black female Democrat who ran for president, but you should understand that you're all fucking brainwashed and listening to circus barkers.

Seriously. The dumbest fucking dumb people who have ever dumbed in human history. MAGA!
You're kidding me. The alt reich media is following former VP Harris and her husband around a grocery store with cameras? The obsession is clinical. They'll be doing this -- and blaming Joe Biden for all of Trump's failures -- for the next 4 years. And let's not miss a good opportunity to remind the sluts that we marry that they need to get their pregnant asses back in the kitchen after they're done buying our food. MAGA!

I wonder if the intent isn't to sic some MAGAT crazy on them and get them attacked. There is nothing too low for the MAGATs.
Yep, Jesse would do mini segments he called "Mom Texts". Everyone on The Five loved it when he shared her texts on the show. It was one of the funniest segments on the show.

And She never disowned him.
I never said she disowned him. I think she's trying to teach him some lessons through humor.
And how would she "get off" on being called THE SLUT if she isn't here? I bet you enjoy being called that, don't you? Does he make you dress up as a "doctor" and check his um, er, prostate? :laugh:
Some Men are confident enough to not care if their wife reads their posts. The rest of your post makes no sense.