Jesus Camp

That one is Grind's story. There is no way our church would ever do that. They pounded the idea of setting the example, not attempting to do it by force. However the scenes from the "Jesus Camp" movie were regular fare at the church that I grew up at. Well, I never saw a cardboard cutout...

I think Grind got his story off of King of the Hill...

no retard, it's true. overlake christian church. redmond washington. they are fucking nuts.
well sorry it's true. I would have no motivation to make up a story like this, there is plenty of ammo already available to use against christian idiots
and i posted this independently on another website before even mentioning it here, so you can't accuse me of just trolling you guys
iow....grind made it up so he could make himself look cool in the eyes of watermark, the leader of the nation called, Mark of Water
when I was growing up, Grind locked me in a closet and told me he wouldn't let me out unless I denied the divinity of Jesus.....I'm still in there.....
I posted a comment to this on reddit and now I will share this story with all of you:

When I was around 9-10, I lived in a very christian neighborhood. These two girls asked my friend and I if we would like to go to some church carnival, of which I expected to see games, prizes, rides, all that good stuff. So I said why not. When we got there, we were immediately separated from the rest of the group and taken by some adults down a long hallway into a small private room with multiple cubicles.
I was put into one of these cubicles all by myself and two church officials started telling me that I was going to hell and that I needed to be saved (keep in mind, I'm like 9 years old here), and that only by accepting jesus blah blah blah that I could go to heaven. They then presented me with a contract for me to sign, of which I would promise my soul to jesus. They also told me that If I signed it, in addition to being saved, they would give me a jolly rancher.
I signed that contract that day, but I assure you, it was only for the jolly rancher.
That was an expensive Jolly Ranchers Grind....... Cause now your ass belongs to us. Muhahahahahaha
So this is a shocking revelation. I thought Grind was a mewling, mommas boy Catholic kid. Now I find out Grind is actually Protestant?

I like that..... "Grind the Baptist". That has a nice ring to it.

"Grind the Catholic" just kinda lays there where as "Grind the Jew" would be in terribly bad taste.

Grind the Baptist. hmmmmm
I think he's still Catholic....according to his story he was abducted by Baptists and forcefed candy......
He said there was two of them Baptist. If they was two of them to act witness that's a legal contract (at least by Baptist standards) then that means legally (by Baptist Standards) Grind is officially a Baptist. He did take the Jolly Ranchers when he signed the contract and they did have two witnesses.

I mean Grind WTF? I never would have thunk you were a Baptist!
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Oh, and in my youth I took part in many "Jesus Camp" activities... Seriously, the kids just do what they have to in order to get through it and move on. They actually aren't any more religious than any other group of people. It's pretty easy to just say the right thing lift your arms and pretend to talk in jibberish at the right times...

Although in my youth I was one of the few who outright told them that I didn't believe. I used to hang with these people after church and they most certainly were not any more likely to become Jesus zombies than anybody else...
Yea...but look at Grind? It only took two middle aged men and a bag of Jolly Ranchers to part him from his bead jiggling ways and make a proper stern Bible thumpin Baptist out of him.
its probably more common than you think
It's a silly way to attempt to "convert" people. All it would do is make people even more cynical.

But heck, Jesus didn't promise brains, he promised "salvation" so you could one day go up into Paradise and sing praises all day.