jesus was not born on christmas....

The twenty-fifth day of December, being the Christmas day is celebrated by millions all over the world as the birthday of Jesus Christ. Was he born on the twenty-fifth December? No one knows exactly when Jesus was born.1

a very merry unbritheay for jesus....

Its pretty well known throughout theology that Christmas is not Jesus's birthday. It was chosen more to appease the pagans and allow them to have a winter solice celebration while christenizing them.
Wow, I can't believe that somebody thought that Christians really believed that the date was the specific date of his birth... ;)
Wow, I can't believe that somebody thought that Christians really believed that the date was the specific date of his birth... ;)

I can.

I've met a lot of christians who know virtually nothing about their own religion, or about a lot of things for that matter.

I've met many evangelicals who aren't even aware that Catholics are "christian". And I've met a lot of evangelicals who think the earth is 4,000 years old.
Wow, I can't believe that somebody thought that Christians really believed that the date was the specific date of his birth... ;)

I was raised up in a Christian home and Church to believe this.
I now know better.
Faith does not come from being lied to.
I can.

I've met a lot of christians who know virtually nothing about their own religion, or about a lot of things for that matter.

I've met many evangelicals who aren't even aware that Catholics are "christian". And I've met a lot of evangelicals who think the earth is 4,000 years old.

True knowledge is generally discouraged Cypress, Blind faith is what many churches want. Faith and knowledge are sort of at odds with each other.
All of the Christians I know have knowledge of the reason that Christmas is held in December and feel no less for it. The specific date of his birth doesn't seem to be important, just that they celebrate it. Honestly, has even one person come in this thread to argue with 'dawg? It doesn't seem like there are as many Christians that believe this as you want us to think that there are.
There atre many christians who believe that Damo, but they don't use Computers much and sure would not be on this board. Far too radical.
I was raised up in a Christian home and Church to believe this.
I now know better.
Faith does not come from being lied to.

I grew up thinking that Dec. 25 was the actual birthday of Jesus. I only became aware that it wasn't, through reading historical literature that was independent of the church.
Same here cypress.
There are a few churches that will speak of the truth about when Jesus was born. The truth is that they only have clues and most scholors agree it was probably not on December 25.
Like Easter and the date when Jesus was resurrected. Of course with Easter the time of this changes every year :) but we still have bunnies and easter eggs in there for the spring / fertility festivals ;)
Darn Christians want to hog all the pagan holidays.
I grew up thinking that Dec. 25 was the actual birthday of Jesus. I only became aware that it wasn't, through reading historical literature that was independent of the church.
They taught us at the church that the most likely date was sometime in April.... However, we learned that it didn't really matter and the celebration of the day could be held whenever.

This was at a very strict Holly Roller (real not the robdawg definition) church...

Methinks that people were taught that we celebrated the Birth of Christ on that day, but took it even more literally than the church was teaching...
I was also told that Dec 25 was the birthday of christ and no one told me any different in the church I grew up in.