For the past two thousand years, Christians have been trying to convert Jews. Hundreds of millions of dollars are spent on this effort -- "Jews for Jesus," and "Chosen Peoples Ministry" are just two dedicated to this goal. Those organizations will tell less educated Jews (and non-Jews) that you can be Jewish and "follow Jesus." They reason that "Jesus was a Jew, and his followers were Jews, so to follow Jesus is a very "Jewish" thing to do."
Nothing could be further from the truth.
Just because a Jew does something does not make it Jewish (or right). Consider all those Jews in the bible (which Jews call the T'nach) who worshiped false gods like Moloch and Ba'al. Did the fact that they were Jews make it acceptable to the prophets Isaiah and Jeremiah?
This is the key.
No one at Mount Sinai ever heard of Jesus.
No one at Mount Sinai was told to pray to or through Jesus to "get" to G-d.
We are warned time and again that if someone entices a Jew to any form of worship that we were unfamiliar with at Mount Sinai it is FALSE.
Just because someone is a Jew doesn't make what they do correct. Thus if Paul or any other Jew says something counter to what G-d Himself told us (all of us) at Sinai -- it is false.
A Jew cannot believe in Jesus and remain Jewish.
This website is dedicated to exploding the "Judaeo-Christian Myth." Many people seem to think that the only difference between Judaism and Christianity is that Christians believe Jesus was the messiah and Jews don't. While that is a difference, it is only one and not as major as one might think. What are the differences? This website is dedicated to explaining them.
It must be a little worrisome for the average Christian (if he ever thinks about Jews at all) to ask himself "since Jesus was a Jew, and he taught and preached to Jews why didn't all the Jews become Christians?"
How can missionaries justify their belief in Jesus as the "Jewish messiah" when Jews don't accept him as such?
Some will say "well, Jews are blind." This may satisfy some, but most would admit that Jews, though a very small minority, are a pretty smart people. Even world renowned atheist Richard Dawkins has said he is bewildered at the disproportionate amount of Nobel prizes won by Jews. Between 1901 and 2013, the Nobel Prize has been awarded to approximately 855 laureates. At least 193 (22%) of them have been Jewish even though the global Jewish population is 0.02%!
So, no we're not stupid people.
Why would G-d "blind" the very people He calls His first born son? (Sh'mot / Exodus 4:22), his beloved? Why would G-d tell us Torah and our covenant with Him is eternal -- only to "blind" us to the "truth" that it was all a joke, we were just waiting for Jesus to show up?
he problem for the missionary (where the Jew is concerned) is whether all those promises by G-d were lies -- or are they mistaken and Jews are not blind. . . they were lied to by the Christian bible and their teachers?
Jews believe in G-d.
Jews believe that G-d does not lie.
Jews believe that G-d is not a man and He does not change His mind. (Bamidbar / Numbers 23:19). Thus when He says that Torah is eternal, His promises to the Jews are eternal He is not lying.
Exploding the Judeo Christian Myth