Jim Jones

An interesting interview and you can see why many people at one time respected him, and then he changed and the rest is history.

I wouldn't. I write about eras in U.S. history, and in a couple of instances, the iconic individuals I've chosen are people who precipitated criminal activity or tragic events. I'm not looking for those people; I'm writing about people who embody some aspect of American society of a particular era. And I write about the good and the bad of those eras. Jim Jones, for example, was a demagogue, but I was shocked to learn about the great things he accomplished. If he had died at the end of his tenure in Indianapolis, we'd remember him as one of the great heroes of the civil rights movement.


I've grown addicted to true crime documentaries, I just listened to a great one recently about Jim Jones. They covered it very well, even had the audio from the ending... He truly was psychotic in the end.
I've grown addicted to true crime documentaries, I just listened to a great one recently about Jim Jones. They covered it very well, even had the audio from the ending... He truly was psychotic in the end.
True crime has been a favorite genre of mine, too. I have always found serial murders fascinating.
Says the voice of experience.

I bet you got your first experience treating and avoiding VD soon after your wedding night.

As probably did several of your friends.

And pizza delivery guys.

And a few homeless bums who live near your flat.

And so on and so on....

I know people still trying to get rid of theirs they got from your mother at the nursing home.
CFM said:

I'm sure that whatever typically ignorant shit you said was not worth reading anyway.


Life is so much nicer when you remove the worthless, stinking garbage.
I'm sure that whatever typically ignorant shit you said was not worth reading anyway.


Life is so much nicer when you remove the worthless, stinking garbage.

It's quite obvious that you're still a coward. Guess that's what happens when you're not man enough to back up your challenge when it's accepted.