Jimmy Carter: George Zimmerman jury ‘right’

You continue to be a fool. Rage is fine; anger is fine.

He called me a motherfucking racist, many times; said I agreed w/ the Till verdict. I know you think this is me "whining," but I take that charge seriously. If you really cared about racism, you'd understand that calling someone a racist is not a small, trivial thing.

And BAC ran like the coward he is when he realized Carter said the same thing as me. He couldn't be more exposed.

And you couldn't either. You got humiliated today. You're too stubborn to ever admit it, though.

who is Anglscarlett? Darla?
You should have let the others on here.It would be nice to see what they have to say about this. Because thus far everyone who agrees is a racist, but it is pretty hard to paint President Carter as a racist.

They would label him a TRAITOR as Desh proclaims. Don't forget they have been employing cognitive dissonance since Saturday. That any sentient being couldn't see this verdict coming is beyond me. I admit that I had the verdict at 50/50 but not because of the evidence but other outside factors.

I was heartened that a jury could still look past all of the BS and still evaluate on the facts
Oh, and Darla? YOU are a fraud, as well.

There is nothing BAC could say which you wouldn't excuse. How you are unable to see the blatant hypocrisy & transparency of his act is beyond me. I don't care what you call me; BAC was wrong to call me a racist, and I'm not "whiny" to defend myself against a charge like that.
I wonder how miss Darla would do if she was called a motherfucking racist for 2 days straight, many times over?

I can really see her saying, "Oh, you...I know you're just angry! It's all good."

Hypocrite. You're really one of the worst, Darla.
If you really cared about racism, you'd understand that calling someone a racist is not a small, trivial thing.

While I can both sympathize and empathize with your plight, I would add that you have stood by in the past while they hurled this name at everyone who they disagreed with. Whether it be affirmative action, welfare you name it. You disagree with them, you are branded a racist.

Now that it is being hurled at you, you suddenly know what it is like to be some of us. Now, I probably handled it the wrong way by saying "fuck it, you want racism, I will show you racism", but that is besides the point.

The left has been using the word "racist" as a weapon for a very long time. You are just now on the receiving end of it. Welcome to the club
This is a small glimpse into the pre-JPP Darla as she used to be on the AOL boards.

Originally Posted by AnglScarlett Well I will be banned from here shortly, but that's okay. I don't even care if I get banned, I bet Grind is itching for it.

I just really wanted to say it's so nice to see two white guys bitching about how a black guy is a "fraud" because he's enraged (yes, rage!) that America has once again stated that the lives of black children are meaningless.

Onceler, you are such dogshit. I really had no idea. You keep calling me all the names you want, it's not about me. You made this about YOU, and that's fucking sick. Man you are as bad as Yurt, and I used to think that was a one way road with that guy.
tom that quote really isn't that bad.

fyi i really didn't read that till thread. I don't know what was said. But I have no problems with BAC. He always has seemed chill to me.

But I guess if he's pissed others off that's between them.
well I saw them already commenting about it elsewhere. the reason why I threadbanned them is because they are trolls and they have no clue about the case. They simply have no value in this thread. I didn't really want this thread to turn into a troll fest. You'll notice I left plenty of people that disagree with me not threadbanned.

Pussies, just like our hero Zimmerman
A reasonable person in here .. why did you expect that Carter would say .. even if he thought it?

The jury was racist, the decision was racist/wrong?

Do you believe that he would say that .. even if he thought it?

I suspect Carter would not have answered the question if he thought his answer would lead to more division. To me, the jury clearly followed the law, and that is what juries are suppose to do.
While I can both sympathize and empathize with your plight, I would add that you have stood by in the past while they hurled this name at everyone who they disagreed with. Whether it be affirmative action, welfare you name it. You disagree with them, you are branded a racist.

Now that it is being hurled at you, you suddenly know what it is like to be some of us. Now, I probably handled it the wrong way by saying "fuck it, you want racism, I will show you racism", but that is besides the point.

The left has been using the word "racist" as a weapon for a very long time. You are just now on the receiving end of it. Welcome to the club

I actually hated you when you went the epithet route, but you can be a reasonable poster. You should stick w/ that.

I never baited anyone w/ the racist thing, but you're right - I was an enabler at times.
Lmao and thing1 successfully concludes burning all bridges with Darla and sending the ashes to another dimension

Lol.... I'm sorry but this is so similar to what I thought when I read that post several minutes ago.
I actually hated you when you went the epithet route, but you can be a reasonable poster. You should stick w/ that.

I never baited anyone w/ the racist thing, but you're right - I was an enabler at times.

As I said, I probably didn't handle it the right way. But, as you can see, it isn't fun when someone throws the racist charge at you because you disagree with them. I have been putting up with that crap from lefties like Darla and BAC since I started posting on message boards. While I am not justifying my behavior, I just got sick of it. They really don't leave you many options. You can't believe you have to actually defend yourself against such a ridiculous charge. Then they start with the "Oh yeah, you have a black friend routine".

I think what they are doing to you is horrible, but indicative of who they really are. I am not here to rub your nose in it. That you recognize that you were an enabler is enough for me. There is probably a tendency to overlook the foibles of our fellow travelers. While we may not agree with it or partake, we don't condemn them as forcibly as we should. This may be a lessen for all of us.

Personally, I am glad BAC is being exposed. I allowed him to bait me into calling him a nigger last time around and of course everyone ignored what he said or did and focused on that one word which is understandable. BAC then just slunk off to the sidelines and watched. It didn't really dawn on me what he did until he started the same crap on his Emmitt Till thread. I actually think it pissed him off even more that he couldn't bait me this time.

Fool me once.......

I am sure we will argue about many things going forward, but you are cool with me. Sorry you have to put up with this bullshit from these race baiters. I guess in some respect I have become immune to it.