Jocelyn Nungaray, 12, was raped on night of murder, Houston authorities confirm, making the two illegal immigrants charged in her death eligible for t

I had a horrible feeling they would find evidence of that... I'm totallly fine with the death penalty in this situation... more than likely she would be alive today
if Joe had left Is Trump's policies in place...
Indeed, TOP.

Biden and the Democrats have blood on their hands.

The Dims the children of Sandy Hook ring a bell?

Need I go on?
There's no fuckingway you'd support police going into gangbanger land to arrest illegal gun owners, is there?
I damned sure would.

Armored vehicles, riot gear, tear gas grenades, the whole nine yards.

Full on assault.


Return any fire, shoot to kill then pile the bodies up and pose for photographs next to it.

Send a message.

Your 'hood and your gang is next on the list.
I damned sure would.

Armored vehicles, riot gear, tear gas grenades, the whole nine yards.

Full on assault.


Return any fire, shoot to kill then pile the bodies up and pose for photographs next to it.

Send a message.

Your 'hood and your gang is next on the list.
Hmm, you say that now but how long before the usual suspects start their bleating? You only have to look at the Left's squealing about Israel to see the bullshit treadmill in action.
Hmm, you say that now but how long before the usual suspects start their bleating? You only have to look at the Left's squealing about Israel to see the bullshit treadmill in action.
Apples and oranges.

Israel is slaughtering innocent people attempting to achieve an unachievable goal i.e. wiping out Hamas.

I would never protest US police coming down hard on gang thugs.
Isn't Houston a sanctuary city? They'll walk because of their diplomatic immunity as illegal immigrants.
Previously, Texas housed several sanctuary cities, including Houston and Dallas. In May 2017, Texas passed Senate Bill 4 (SB4) despite heated opposition by local governments and law enforcement officials. As written, SB4 requires local law enforcement officers to comply with federal immigration agents and operations. Additionally, SB4 allows police to question any arrested person about their immigration status. These harsh new policies place considerable stress on local law enforcement. Additionally, countless immigrants are now in danger of arrest and/or deportation.

Because of the potential drastic consequences of SB4, several organizations filed appeals challenging the constitutionality of the bill. In August 2017, a judge in San Antonio temporarily blocked the enforcement of SB4. This action effectively prevented enforcement of its policies. As of March 2018, the Court of Appeals allowed the majority of SB4 to go into effect. Thus, SB4 is currently enforced in the state of Texas.

BTW I just heard some very bad stuff about RFK Jr. listen to Megyn Kelly's pod cast about him.