Joe Biden has steadied the nation – why don’t his polling numbers reflect this?


All our institutions have failed us. There are no backups, and no prior state to which we could reasonably return. Only a tiny fraction of intellectuals have any idea how to bootstrap their way out of such a crisis. They’re obscure, and self taught, They can’t be recognized by degree.

How can we to distinguish the phonies and copycats from the genuine article?
it can’t be done.
and I say it can and it must. Nothing riding on the answer but the fate of the west. And perhaps the world.

And let me guess, that "tiny fraction of intellectuals who have an idea" are found daily on Fox prime time, correct?
A deeper reason Biden is not doing better with the public is the deeply cynical and angry divide Trump has spawned in America. Even if George Washington were president today, a large percentage of the public would probably despise him.

But perhaps the most important factor behind Biden’s low public ratings are the continuing crises most Americans find themselves in.

About two-thirds of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck. Almost none has job security. Most pandemic supports have terminated.

Because the title of this thread is another lie maybe...? :yay:
It's true! Biden's poll numbers are pathetic, like you, because he's a fucking retard. He's doing everything backasswards to screw the economy over. He's putting California thinking on the rest of the country.
No one's poll numbers are good, either party, the Senate or House, polls in the last twenty years have become antiquated, Americans from all sides are being told 24/7 that life sucks so their responses to polls reflect this negative feeling regardless of the person or topic

that seems highly improbable, given that nearly every leftist here thinks that America is on a bright and shining road to recovery under the highly exceptional leadership of one of the best presidents in their lifetime..............

why is that?