Joe Biden Laughs When Asked If Christians Were Targeted in Nashville Shooting

And assholes like you is a real thing.

Good news. More Christians need to die!

The League of Militant Atheists was an atheistic and antireligious organization that developed in Soviet Russia under influence of the ideological and cultural views and policies of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.

The League aimed at exterminating religion in all its manifestations and forming an anti-religious scientific mindset among the workers.

The League of Militant Atheists aided the Soviet government in killing clergy and committed believers. The League also made it a priority to remove religious icons from the homes of believers. Under the slogan, "the Storming of Heaven," the League of Militant Atheists pressed for "resolute action against religious peasants" leading to the mass arrest and exile of many believers, especially village priests
The League of Militant Atheists was an atheistic and antireligious organization that developed in Soviet Russia under influence of the ideological and cultural views and policies of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.

The League aimed at exterminating religion in all its manifestations and forming an anti-religious scientific mindset among the workers.

The League of Militant Atheists aided the Soviet government in killing clergy and committed believers. The League also made it a priority to remove religious icons from the homes of believers. Under the slogan, "the Storming of Heaven," the League of Militant Atheists pressed for "resolute action against religious peasants" leading to the mass arrest and exile of many believers, especially village priests

shut up you stupid asshole
Biden is a Catholic. He attends church and always has.
Biden is for killing children (abortion), mutilating children (gender change shit), stealing the wealth of millions (via communism and fascism), has committed treason several times (such as giving weapons to the enemy in time of war, an impeachable offense), and supports violent factions like Antifa, BLM, and the KKK.

You call this a Christian????!? Jesus Christ never taught ANY of this!

Trump is an atheist. He almost never went to the church he claimed to be a member of.
You do not have to go to a church to be a Christian.
His niece says he showed up when the cameras were there. Using religion against a real Christian, like Biden is a failure.

True Scotsman fallacy.
Registering for the Democratic Party makes one a Democrat

Biden is a life long chatholic

There are Christian churches who embrace gay and transgender people

Your brain is just set on slow mode

You show you do not understand anything about being a Christian. Biden shows he is not a Christian when he laughs about these poor people being killed
If he went to a synagogue and shot people, then what people would be shot? Can you figure it out? if it were a Madrassa would you be able to figure out who was being targeted? Even you must be able to understand that was a dumb question...can't you?

You show you do not care people died
You show you do not understand anything about being a Christian. Biden shows he is not a Christian when he laughs about these poor people being killed

You are Not a real person

You are a foreign bot designed to destroy America with idiotic lies

You are meaningless to reality

Eat a mountain of shit lie bag
Go read the statute

So it is okay if transgenders kill Christians

“Every death is a tragedy, ya’ll. Seven lives,” the person advises the swarming crowd.
Following his words, several of those occupying the chamber can be seen holding up seven fingers in honor of the six people who were slaughtered at the Nashville elementary school and the transgender terrorist who slaughtered them.