fox is an automatic dismiss...go take a nap.
katzgar its you , welcome . Are you going to have another melt down and go on another cock sucking binge
Nope I'm just having fun making fun of you
fox is an automatic dismiss...go take a nap.
Cracks anyone up how a Trumpkin thinks anyone is going to watch a video they present, since O’Keefe got exposed back in 2008 you can just about assumed they are all edited and framed
Thank you for proving once again that the retards are running Fox News.
Keep up with the good work.
Yes fox is retarded for posting vids of lying Joe Biden , why don't you be a man just one time in your life and admit its not bad because fox posted it but because Joey makes himself look like a idiot yet again one of mam many times .
Sorry but fox just posted the video joe was the one talking and putting down America.
Yes fox is retarded for posting vids of lying Joe Biden , why don't you be a man just one time in your life and admit its not bad because fox posted it but because Joey makes himself look like a idiot yet again one of mam many times .
Why don't you be a man and admit that they were bullshitting about what President Biden said?
It's a clip of Biden talking smack like the idiot he is. My suspicion is he spent too much time around Progressive retards in the Obama administration that filled his empty head with stupid ideas...
Oh, and Joke is dead flat wrong on everything he said in that clip.
What smack? Can you point out where the "smack" is?
“America’s strength ultimately lies in its people. There’s nothing special about being American – none of you can define for me what an American is. Can’t define it based on religion, ethnicity, race, culture. The uniqueness of America is that we are a group of people who agreed on – whether we say it, whether we’re well-educated or not, whether we say it in terms of basic agreements but we really do believe without saying it, ‘We the People.’ ‘All men are created equal, endowed by their Creator.’ Sounds corny. But that’s who we are. That’s the essential strength and vibrancy of this country.”
It's people, land, resources, culture, and social norms. This is true of any nation.
What an American is...
Color blind. In America, Americans don't care what your ethnicity, race is, or where you or your ancestors came from. The only people in America who do are race baiting Progressives, neo-Nazis, and that sort of ilk.
Speak American. That's a variant of English. We don't speak English like those in the UK do. Hell, there's differences between our way and Canada's. Sure, we have immigrants who haven't fully learned that language, but will in time. Again, only the Progressive Left thinks we should become a polyglot of languages like some modern version of the biblical tale of the Tower of Babel.
Generous. Americans are generous. We are easily the most giving nation on the planet.
Pick up a coin. All of America's core values are on one. E Pluribus Unum, Out of many one. Liberty. While we have a faction that would like to see that undermined, Americans value their freedom and their Rights to do a lot more without government interference than most other nations have ever offered. In God we trust. We are a nation of religion, but not one governed by religion. Most Americans are religious and we let you practice that however you like or want.
Hell, even the Huffington Post can define it.
Their definition may vary a little, but the basics are still there.
It is people on the fringes of the Left like Multiculturalists that can't define it because they don't want to define it. They want division. They want divisiveness within American society. They seek to divide by race, language, culture, gender, and everything else they can. Biden bought into this idiocy during his time in the Obama administration.
Teddy Roosevelt defined it:
Americans have a unique language, culture, set of social norms, and way of viewing the world. Those that seek to undermine that through notions like multiculturalism are the ones that seek to destroy America.
So no smack as you claimed?
Smack, because Biden started out by saying none of that defines an American, by claiming there's nothing special in being American. There is. America is unique and the people who make up America are unique.