Joe Biden suffers from dementia

When you have to defend Trump's mental illness and gaffs, that makes you a Trumpist.

I'm not aware of any mental illness suffered by the POTUS, and therefore cannot have offered a "defense" of something that does not exist, AFAIK. Where does that leave your unsupported assumption?
I'm not aware of any mental illness suffered by the POTUS, and therefore cannot have offered a "defense" of something that does not exist, AFAIK. Where does that leave your unsupported assumption?

There are lots of shrinks who point out that Trump shows many and repeating symptoms of mental health problems and psychosis. That has far more evidence than a thread on the claim that Biden has Alzheimers. Those saying trump has mental problems are educated professionals. You have Infowars and Fox Gnus to back you...and Grok.
Be careful or you'll hurt Legion's feelings and he'll ignore you. He's a fragile child.

I think he is paid to post his endless right-wing crap. He is not stupid. he cannot believe the insufferable crap he posts. It has to be for money. he sold his soul.