Who says Biden doesn't have a strong and healthy mind?
Why are you asking me?
Who says Biden doesn't have a strong and healthy mind?
That makes you a Trumpist.
So you say.
Why are you asking me?
When you have to defend Trump's mental illness and gaffs, that makes you a Trumpist.
You are going to get Trump for 4 more years ... I hope your hatred kills you .
I'm not aware of any mental illness suffered by the POTUS, and therefore cannot have offered a "defense" of something that does not exist, AFAIK. Where does that leave your unsupported assumption?
Apparently you forgot that I told you I tend to use a technique called "mirroring".
Thank you for admitting that you have unsupported assumption about Biden.
Your pronouncements are not binding upon others, are they?
Have you tried asking Julián Castro about Joe Biden's 'strong and healthy mind"?
I'm not aware of any mental illness suffered by the POTUS, and therefore cannot have offered a "defense" of something that does not exist, AFAIK. Where does that leave your unsupported assumption?
Wow. Are you drunk?
There are lots of shrinks who point out that Trump shows many and repeating symptoms of mental health problems and psychosis.
Nope. Are you? Seriously you are refusing to see my points for some reason. I think you are not interested in serious discussion.
I am not interested in what you presently call "serious discussion". Good day to you.
So what?
They are experts and you are not, that is what.
Be careful or you'll hurt Legion's feelings and he'll ignore you. He's a fragile child.