Joe biter locking kid up in cages

No liberal tears as Biden puts kids in cages at southern border

An entirely preventable humanitarian tragedy is occurring at our southern border: Unaccompanied migrant children are being separated from their families and held in cages.

Spurred on President Biden’s lax immigration rules, the number of children crossing our border this year has surged. In January, 5,707 children arrived at the border alone, up from 4,855 the month before

AOC joins backlash over Biden child migrant camp: ‘This is not okay’

Well they are "prettier" and you can't see the kids so... It's like solitary confinement, so much nicer...
A paralegal from Oregon named Vanessa Sischo arrived at the camp. Sischo did not realize until high school that her parents brought her into the United States from Mexico as an infant without documentation.

She gained protection from deportation under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program in 2012. When Sischo learned that children arriving from Central America were being incarcerated in Artesia, she volunteered immediately.

She arrived a week after Christina Brown, and like Brown, she stayed.

After about a month, AILA and another nonprofit, the American Immigration Council, hired Brown as the pro bono project’s lead attorney.

Brown recommended Sischo for the job of project coordinator. The two women began rooming together in the small yellow house near Main Street.

For both, Artesia was a jarring shift from life at home. As they sat together one evening in December, they described a typical week. “The new volunteers come in on Sunday, go through orientation, and by Wednesday night, everyone is crying,” Brown said.

Girls caged like animals under Obama & Joe Biter

Pizza and hot dogs were on his menu



The United States government placed an unknown number of Central American migrant children into the custody of human traffickers after neglecting to run the most basic checks on these so-called “caregivers,” according to a Senate report.

In the fall of 2013, tens of thousands of unaccompanied minors traveled to the U.S. southern border, in flight from poverty and gang violence in Central America.

At least six of those children were eventually resettled on an egg farm in Marion, Ohio, where their sponsors forced them to work 12 hours a day under threats of death.

Local law enforcement uncovered the operation, prompting the Senate’s Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations to open an inquiry into the federal government’s handling of migrants.

“It is intolerable that human trafficking — modern-day slavery — could occur in our own backyard,” Senator Rob Portman, Republican of Ohio and the chairman of the subcommittee, told the New York Times. “But what makes the Marion cases even more alarming is that a U.S. government agency was responsible for delivering the victims into the hands of their abusers.”

As detention centers became incapable of housing the massive influx of migrants, the Department of Health and Human Services started placing children into the care of sponsors who would oversee the minors until their bids for refugee status could be reviewed.

Officials failed to confirm whether the adults volunteering for this task were actually relatives or good Samaritans — and not unscrupulous egg farmers or child molesters. The department performed check-in visits at caretakers’ homes in only 5 percent of cases between 2013 and 2015, according to the report.

The Senate’s investigation built on an Associated Press report that found more than two dozen unaccompanied children were placed in homes where they were sexually abused, starved, or forced into slave labor.

HHS claimed that it lacked the funds and authorities that a more rigorous screening process would have required. However, the investigation also found that HHS did not spend all of the money allocated to it for handling the crisis.

The agency placed 90,000 migrant children into sponsor care between 2013 and 2015.
Where was Strumpet's scolding when Obama tore families apart?




The illegitimate administration that stole the 2020 election has opened an "overflow facility" for unaccompanied migrant children apprehended at the US-Mexico border, the federal agency tasked with the children's care told CNN in a statement.

The Health and Human Services Department reopened a facility in Carrizo Springs, Texas, that can accommodate about 700 children and can be expanded if necessary.

The reopening of the facility comes amid an increase in apprehensions of unaccompanied children on the Southwest border.

As of January 29th, there were already approximately 4,730 children in Office of Refugee Resettlement care.

"The Border Patrol will continue to transfer unaccompanied children to the HHS Office of Refugee Resettlement so they may be properly cared for in appropriate shelters, consistent with their best interest," a paid propagandist prattled.

The Department of Homeland Security is also beginning to expand its processing capacity. US Customs and Border Protection, for example, is building "soft-sided structures" (tents) in Donna, Texas, to provide processing capacity in the Rio Grande Valley, one of the busiest regions for illegal border crossings.
No liberal tears as Biden puts kids in cages at southern border

An entirely preventable humanitarian tragedy is occurring at our southern border: Unaccompanied migrant children are being separated from their families and held in cages.

Spurred on President Biden’s lax immigration rules, the number of children crossing our border this year has surged. In January, 5,707 children arrived at the border alone, up from 4,855 the month before

AOC joins backlash over Biden child migrant camp: ‘This is not okay’

So now you are against putting kids in cages? Hmmmmm:thinking:
No liberal tears as Biden puts kids in cages at southern border

An entirely preventable humanitarian tragedy is occurring at our southern border: Unaccompanied migrant children are being separated from their families and held in cages.

Spurred on President Biden’s lax immigration rules, the number of children crossing our border this year has surged. In January, 5,707 children arrived at the border alone, up from 4,855 the month before

AOC joins backlash over Biden child migrant camp: ‘This is not okay’

Untrue, move the thread!
No liberal tears as Biden puts kids in cages at southern border

An entirely preventable humanitarian tragedy is occurring at our southern border: Unaccompanied migrant children are being separated from their families and held in cages.

Spurred on President Biden’s lax immigration rules, the number of children crossing our border this year has surged. In January, 5,707 children arrived at the border alone, up from 4,855 the month before

AOC joins backlash over Biden child migrant camp: ‘This is not okay’
