Joe biter locking kid up in cages

Indeed, Skipper.


It disgusts me and shows how biased the media really is. That is exactly how they are reporting it. And if you notice not many on the left here have a problem with it now.
Biden has united 105 kids with their families. He will do as many as possible. trump would just be caging away in his hatred of minority kids. There is hope for a solution due to Biden actually caring about kids and not wanting to be responsible for the psychological damage to them. Trump did not care at all.
Biden has united 105 kids with their families. He will do as many as possible. trump would just be caging away in his hatred of minority kids. There is hope for a solution due to Biden actually caring about kids and not wanting to be responsible for the psychological damage to them. Trump did not care at all.

Deflect away. Meanwhile, there's still kids in cages for you to pretend don't exist.
how can a unaccompanied child be separated from its fasmily ? Perhaps you can explain that one.

Good question. I asked it of you since you posted that was what was happening. Do you now recognize that your initial post is nonsensical and based on a lie? Or does the lack of a cookie leave you without any working brain cells?
They dont care, they are dems. They literally dont give a flying fux that they went ballistic and used this when they thought Mr Trump did it. Now they do it to a much larger scale and it is, according to them, OK. I find the leftie dems two-faced approach and their seeing and knowing that they condemned Mr Trump to be evil beyond words. They are absolutely fuffed in the head.
No liberal tears as Biden puts kids in cages at southern border

An entirely preventable humanitarian tragedy is occurring at our southern border: Unaccompanied migrant children are being separated from their families and held in cages.

Spurred on President Biden’s lax immigration rules, the number of children crossing our border this year has surged. In January, 5,707 children arrived at the border alone, up from 4,855 the month before

AOC joins backlash over Biden child migrant camp: ‘This is not okay’

They dont care, they are dems. They literally dont give a flying fux that they went ballistic and used this when they thought Mr Trump did it. Now they do it to a much larger scale and it is, according to them, OK. I find the leftie dems two-faced approach and their seeing and knowing that they condemned Mr Trump to be evil beyond words. They are absolutely fuffed in the head.

Ha ha .. it took months for that word to eventually come out.. and here it is. Always used by people who have had a secure gobble at the forums with no challenges then when you do get challenged it is such a shock for you the only response is to say "TROLL" or "NAZI" or the common reply on here by you lefties... "fuck off and die"..LOL
Let me be straight. I despise Biden - I support Mr Trump. I despise the leftie dems who cite lies and duplicity and have no problem when people are killed, harmed or locked up as long as it suits your anti Mr Trump agenda. So its not that you have opposing views per se, that is always the way throughout life, but that you are liars, and nasty with no moral standards.
That you people can regard the vile.,violent criminal George Floyd as a GOOD GUY - with a lovely human charm - a "saint" ... JUST BECAUSE HE HAS BLACK SKIN... i find to be satanic and rotten to the core. But here is the thing .. if GEORGE had stuck a loaded gun in YOUR DAUGHTERS STOMACH knowing she was pregnant and told her : "I will kill you and your baby" .... then tell me how much you would allege to the "I love all black people" act.??? For me, I respect all GOOD people I dont give a damn what their colour is.I certainly do NOT have one tiny scintilla of respect or love or regard for people such as George Floyd. That you dems do is sickening. If that means I am a "TROLL" then I know I am doing a great job.