Joe Biters plan to destroy religious freedom and stick it to you

In other words you have nothing, just bullshit and lies.

look at the link above and those im posting here and you know very well biter and bung hole wanted to make religions accept gays deviants and marry people to dogs and such

simple fact is democrats want to force churches to do what they think is right not what they believe in. thats why democrats are goat screwing deviants who support men going into women restrooms with little girls in them perverts and deviants
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look at the link above and those im posting here and you know very well biter and bung hole wanted to make religions accept gays deviants and marry people to dogs and such

simple fact is democrats want to force churches to do what they think is right not what they believe in. thats why democrats are goat screwing deviants who support men going into women restrooms with little girls in them perverts and deviants

Who can worry about moderately alternate lifestyles when seriously fucked up trumpanzees are slithering around among us?
Joe Biters plan to destroy religious freedom and stick it to you.
He wants to make religion do what he wants and what Bath house Barry O bung hole along with the perverted in the democrat party want , not what people believe.

I suggest democrat deviants start their own churches and religions and stop trying to force others to do what they want.
Im not a religious person I don't attend church but as our constitution promises we can have our own faith and practice as we wish in so many words. I support that right .

So all the men and women who want to rub their nasty on anther nasty like theirs is fine with me also , but don't force religious beliefs on those who disagree.

but no the deviants in the deprived democrat party want to be able to force people to do what they want like a dictator would or a communist.


Put down that pipe.
Biden is going to be the MOST STATUS QUO president of all time but conservatives just can't help but fear monger about anything and everything.
How will he get around the 1st Amendment?

easy by claiming its discrimination for a church to not marry cross dressers and tyranny or for a baker to not make a cake for a gay wedding democrats have been trying this for years , as O bung hole did by making it possible for men to use women's restrooms and mandating coverage for birth control etc . democrats will do what ever they want if the control both the house and senate and the president
easy by claiming its discrimination for a church to not marry cross dressers and tyranny or for a baker to not make a cake for a gay wedding democrats have been trying this for years , as O bung hole did by making it possible for men to use women's restrooms and mandating coverage for birth control etc . democrats will do what ever they want if the control both the house and senate and the president

"Claiming" something does not override religious freedom. Courts have already ruled on these issues. Most anti-discrimination laws exempt religious institutions to avoid 1st Amendment issues. The Supreme Court ruled Hobby Lobby did not have to provide birth control methods it had religious objections to.
Bulletboob is nuts. Biden is a good church-going Catholic and has been for his whole life. Trump is the first atheist president in a long time. Rightys just playing opposites again.
easy by claiming its discrimination for a church to not marry cross dressers and tyranny or for a baker to not make a cake for a gay wedding democrats have been trying this for years , as O bung hole did by making it possible for men to use women's restrooms and mandating coverage for birth control etc . democrats will do what ever they want if the control both the house and senate and the president
First, the Supreme Court ruled for the discriminatory, hypocritical "religious' wedding cake baker. Your, be afraid doesn't even match the reality of what the Court ruled.

Second, just because you can't get a date doesn't mean the rest of us don't have a desire (and opportunity) to use birth control.

Third, why do you care so much about consenting adults getting married? Perhaps it is related to #2.

Finally, you living in judges of others is the antithesis being a Christian.

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