fully immersed in faith..
Who said that? . simple minded think we don't all remember who said that?......
Who said that? . simple minded think we don't all remember who said that?......
It must have been you.
My problem with William Barr is he's a past ally of the "Never Trump" Bush family having been Attorney General for George H. W. Bush. He, (Barr), is also a past friend and associate of Robert Mueller. I don't like the "good ole boy" clique association there and it causes me wonder how tight Joe DeGenovia is with the Barr/Mueller bunch.
Anyone who actually takes what DiGenova says seriously will accept no explanations.
The man is a conspiracist whackjob. To believe his is to announce to the world, from the rooftops, that you're stupid.
Robo needs to stop and get more evidence before he makes a thread. This is ridiculous. The net does provide some sites that will prove or disprove.
Who said that? Some of us are able to understand that the Mueller investigation will give us information that we do not have now. I also think the house investigations will settle what happened. But you keep saying lies like the Mueller investigation found nothing.
Barr is not running any investigations. Fox Gnus is nuts again.
Again nothing but accusations and insults! Try some evidence and civility and just maybe I'll take you seriously.
I don't think Barr is corrupt, one of the reasons why he don't fit into Trump's cabinet.
Barr will be looking at the Mueller report to see if there is anything the White House can do to stymie the Report and prevent it from getting out to the media and the People.
If there is a way, he'll put a hold on it, and perhaps redact as much as he can temporarily.
But, if there is no Constitutional way to legally do this, it'll be on the first page of the New York Times the very next day it becomes available.
Anyone thinking that Barr will somehow try to cover up the Mueller Report to save Donald Trump's ass is crazier than a betsy bug.
The report cannot be redacted to the House of Reps. Nancy will get to see it in it's original form as soon as Barr releases it over to her.
So I hope you are not thinking that Barr is a corrupt individual, when he is really a man with a nice looking resume and a great reputation.
I don't know what's got into to you people that think Donald Trump is above the law and the Constitution.
Who in the Trump cabinet is corrupt? Evidence please!
That’s why Trump has said publically he hopes Barr releases it all to the public, right?
Actually the Attorney General has the authority to redact any and all of it if he chooses. He has the power to release it to the public or not release it to the public. Whatever he decides to do with it will not prove anything one way or the other about his honesty or corruption.
Who do you know suspects that Barr will try to cover up anything for Trump? That would be a leftist expectation. My problem with Barr is his past associations with the likes of the Bush Never Trumpers, Robert Mueller, Rod Rosenstein and James Comey. My trust that Barr will actually investigate Hillary Clinton, James Comey, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Andrew McCabe and others in the DOJ, FBI and Obama’s Intel agencies related to the exoneration of Clinton’s crimes and the coup-de-qua to frame Trump and remove him from office isn’t a strong trust.
WRONG! The only members of Congress that can see a non-redacted copy of the report are the members with the highest security clearances and those are the members on the Judicial committee, intell committee and a few others in the Congress.
If Barr ignores to investigate and indict the corrupt bastards that were in the Obama corrupt DOJ, FBI and Intell agencies and Hillary Clinton and members of the DNC, that’s when I’ll know William Barr is just another swamp rat crook!
Who do you know that thinks Donald Trump is above the law and Constitution? Do you even know what in hell you’re talking about?
LOL! DiGenova has no evidence, and you whine about accusations?
Yay! Play stupid games, win stupid prizes, dummy.
Let me guess! You are one of those Right Wing radio listening idiots aren't you?
There is so much wrong there, I won't bother.
You are lost dude! You've lost touch with reality- and right from wrong!
Get fucked!
Actually Joe DiGenova worked for the DOJ and was a U.S. Attorney. He claims to know Barr well and several others in the DOJ. That's not disputed by anybody. If you have evidence otherwise, present it or get your filthy keyboard off my thread! simple minded think we don't all remember who said that?......
And you know that because?
You are not well, but you said over and over that Mueller found nothing. Yet his investigation is not done and the results are not out. You just lie and lie.