Joe Manchin to Democrats: "Our brand is toxic!"

I'm almost always happy, sweetheart. Especially when you're around. :love:

The charm offensive! That's not fair!
There's no such thing as "lawfare" regarding trump. He had his day in court like any other criminal. Only magas think the entire judicial system is rigged, and that's because trump told them to believe that.
Do you think he would’ve been prosecuted for falsification of business records if he was anyone but who he is? And there were NO victims?
Do you think Hunter would’ve been prosecuted for lying on a gun purchase application if he wasn’t Brandon’s son?

That’s ’lawfare’ .
You can guarantee that the "34 felonies" will be expunged from the record soon enough. There is also a good chance that Fani Willis and Alvin Bragg will be going to the Big House!
Do you think he would’ve been prosecuted for falsification of business records if he was anyone but who he is? And there were NO victims?
Do you think Hunter would’ve been prosecuted for lying on a gun purchase application if he wasn’t Brandon’s son?

That’s ’lawfare’ .
Of course he would have been prosecuted. Here's a record of just 24 NYers, including trump, who were prosecuted:

And, a so-called victimless crime is still a crime.

I think HB would have been prosecuted if someone had it in for him and reported him. But are you saying his prosecution was unjust?

I wish you guys would stop making excuses for trump. He did wrong and got caught. Period.
You can guarantee that the "34 felonies" will be expunged from the record soon enough. There is also a good chance that Fani Willis and Alvin Bragg will be going to the Big House!
Why should trump's felonies be expunged? All these other people in the link below did similar and got charged. And falsifying business records is not just a crime in NY state.

But speaking of NY: "Data shows 9,794 cases involving state penal law 175.10, or falsifying business records in the first degree, have been arraigned in both local and superior New York state courts since 2015." So it's clear that poor old trump was not singled out for special treatment.

If Manchin wasn't such a slippery politician, he'd have come over to the Republican camp years ago.
Now it's too late.
Incorrect. Both the Democrat and Republican parties have been corrupted. Switching to the Republican tyranny, while much preferable to the Democrat's Marxist socialism tyranny, was nonetheless a completely unacceptable option.

This is why the Republican party has mostly been a TDS-afflicted "never-Trumper" organization that even denied Trump the piddly pocket change needed to build the wall and secure the border, that Trump is now remolding entirely, from the ground up, through the MAGA movement.

I can't blame anyone for not having switched to the Republican party. It would have been better to have written that Manchin should have become a Libertarian.
He was the last rational Democrat politician. The OPs linked article describes those like you perfectly. "Manchin cast progressives — a small number of lawmakers within the party who he claims have an outsize influence — as being out of touch with the majority of Americans."

I suspect she's been at the catnip recently...
Did he tell the miners whose jobs were being lost to "learn to program" on December 30, 2019, or something?
What's wrong with that? Just because he didn't specify Java in his recommendation, he shouldn't be condemned. Coding is great and everyone should learn it. There's nothing about being a coal miner that keeps coding from being valuable and fun. Perhaps coal miners can start with a really easy language like Python, and then work up to strongly-typed object oriented programming (yes, you can somewhat emulate OOP in Python, but only if you aren't intending to write serious code).

Yes, Biden should have suggested learning to manage a Kubernetes cluster; that would have probably been more valuable, and of course, the main principles of SQL are a must for making sense of it all.
I wish you guys would stop making excuses for trump. He did wrong and got caught. Period.
I wish you guys would stop blaming Trump for all of your own fuck-ups. You are HATERS who want to make America as shitty as possible, and you need to recognize that you are in the minority. Period.