John Cleese: Football v Soccer

Although I regard the international, round-ball version of football that we call soccer to be stupefyingly boring, there's no question that it has the logical title to the word "football."

It's quite a choice, really. Their "football" is less exciting than watching paint dry. Our "football" is quadriplegia waiting to happen.
Now that the Brady / Patriots era is over, I'd be fine if both games disappeared from the planet.
I believe I read somewhere that the British used to call it soccer too.

Yes it was known as soccer back in the early days but it still doesn't explain why American football players rarely uses their feet, apart from the kicker, and the ball isn't even round but a prolate spheroid. Hand prolate spheroid doesn't really have a ring to it though.
I love John Cleese but he's FOS on this issue.

I think he's feeling a tad butthurt over the fact that American football has caught on in the UK because they've realized how boring their traditional game of football is compared to the tense drama and unpredictable nature of American football where a thrilling, acrobatic long bomb, diving, tip of the fingers catch pass play can just happen out of nowhere. Same with a long running play from scrimmage or a kick return.

In truth, most American football games are so much more interesting to watch than soccer, it's difficult to even describe.

John Cheese is one of my favorite comedy actors and performers of all time, but on this issue, he's more full of shit than a septic tank.

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Yes it was known as soccer back in the early days but it still doesn't explain why American football players rarely uses their feet, apart from the kicker, and the ball isn't even round but a prolate spheroid. Hand prolate spheroid doesn't really have a ring to it though.

Nit picking minutiae.

Focus on the nature and entertainment value of the game from a spectator's POV rather than splitting hairs over what it's called.
Although I regard the international, round-ball version of football that we call soccer to be stupefyingly boring, there's no question that it has the logical title to the word "football."

It's quite a choice, really. Their "football" is less exciting than watching paint dry. Our "football" is quadriplegia waiting to happen.
Now that the Brady / Patriots era is over, I'd be fine if both games disappeared from the planet.

That's not entirely fair. 'Their' football is more exciting than Cricket. Cricket is singularly the world's most boring game. The only reason I can fathom for watching it at all is as a drinking game where you go on a weekend long bender to get as drunk and stay as drunk as possible. There is no other redeeming value in watching a game of cricket.

American football is sort of a version for pussies. "Real" football is like rugby and Australian rules football. No personal protection, and ten times the violence. You lose a limb playing, you're supposed to get up and keep playing unless you're a total woose.
Although I regard the international, round-ball version of football that we call soccer to be stupefyingly boring, there's no question that it has the logical title to the word "football."

It's quite a choice, really. Their "football" is less exciting than watching paint dry. Our "football" is quadriplegia waiting to happen.
Now that the Brady / Patriots era is over, I'd be fine if both games disappeared from the planet.

I thought this clip was funny as hell. Pure Satire- that was totally intended to be Tongue-In-Cheek and non-political.

Some American people never Got or understood British Humor. I myself became a huge fan of it. And John Cleese was one of the ones who made that all possible for me. British Humor is Dry-Humor- is now- has always been. The only thing it requires- is a sense of humor. AND APPARENTLY NOT EVERYBODY HAS ONE.

I have never minded laughing at myself. I believe that that is necessary sometimes- to take a little closer look at myself before judging anyone else!

One of my favorite comedians was Will Rogers- And I would love to hear his response to this clip- Because it would be equally funny as Hell, as well, coming from a red-blooded American perspective. Today, I would love to hear Bill Maher lob a joke back across the pond for John to laugh about- and he would! John would probably just say,"Touche my friend'"!

The UK and America have used each other as the Butte-end of their jokes since the Revolutionary war- EVEN BEFORE. And it is all clean fun!

I tried to be a comedian once myself- BUT EVERYBODY JUST LAUGHED AT ME! [Geeko Sportivo]

I have always believed- "I am the only one that can hurt my feelings"! [Geeko Sportivo]

May the best jokes- get the best laughs!
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That's not entirely fair. 'Their' football is more exciting than Cricket. Cricket is singularly the world's most boring game. The only reason I can fathom for watching it at all is as a drinking game where you go on a weekend long bender to get as drunk and stay as drunk as possible. There is no other redeeming value in watching a game of cricket.

American football is sort of a version for pussies. "Real" football is like rugby and Australian rules football. No personal protection, and ten times the violence. You lose a limb playing, you're supposed to get up and keep playing unless you're a total woose.

Test cricket can be boring as it's played over 5 days, l love it especially when England plays Australia or Jamaica. Twenty20 is almost literally a different ball game, it has revolutionised the game.

Twenty20 cricket, also called T20, is a truncated form of cricket that revolutionised the game when it was introduced in 2003 with rule changes that put a premium on hitting and scoring, gaining a new audience for cricket.
Now that the Brady / Patriots era is over, I'd be fine if both games disappeared from the planet.

Now that the Brady / Patriots era is over, I don't hate football season anymore.

The idea of that Trumpsucker dandy boy with his plastic bitch supermodel wife winning the Super Bowl to the delight of the obnoxious asshole residents of the biggest obnoxious asshole city in America was too nauseating to take.

Then, moving to Florida and becoming QB for a team I once used to root for was almost more than I could bear.

Now, every time Tampa Bay loses a game I'm like....


Fuck Tom Brady. :fu:

I hope he ends his career with a blowout loss to some cellar-dweller shit team.

Fucker deserves it for hanging around way past the time he should've hung it up.

Fuck Tom Brady. :fu:
I thought this clip was funny as hell. Pure Satire- that was totally intended to be Tongue-In-Cheek and non-political.

Some American people never Got or understood British Humor. I myself became a huge fan of it. And John Cleese was one of the ones who made that all possible for me. British Humor is Dry-Humor- is now- has always been. The only thing it requires- is a sense of humor. AND APPARENTLY NOT EVERYBODY HAS ONE.

I have never minded laughing at myself. I believe that that is necessary sometimes- to take a little closer look at myself before judging anyone else!

One of my favorite comedians was Will Rogers- And I would love to hear his response to this clip- Because it would be equally funny as Hell, as well, coming from a red-blooded American perspective. Today, I would love to hear Bill Maher lob a joke back across the pond for John to laugh about- and he would! John would probably just say,"Touche my friend'"!

The UK and America have used each other as the Butte-end of their jokes since the Revolutionary war- EVEN BEFORE. And it is all clean fun!

I tried to be a comedian once myself- BUT EVERYBODY JUST LAUGHED AT ME! [Geeko Sportivo]

I have always believed- "I am the only one that can hurt my feelings"! [Geeko Sportivo]

May the best jokes- get the best laughs!

I'm a huge fan of the old "Britcoms" (British sitcoms) from the 70's, 80's and 90's.

One of my favorites is a show called "Last Of The Summwer Wine".

The first time I saw the name I assumed it was a show about some snooty upscale yuppies who got together with their friends, told boring jokes and drank wine.

But it's nothing like that at all.

It's about these three retired old farts who hang out in the little town of Huddersfield in Yorkshire (upper middle east coast area of GB) they were raised in together, trying to pass the time by roaming around the countryside, getting involved in these ridiculous situations and pursuits.

It's like three old farts relivng their youth on permanent summer vacation, getting together everyday and looking for some mischief to get into.

It might have been the longest running show in the history of TV, lasting some 35 seasons.

You can find most or all of them on a video website called Dailymotion.

I've heard it referred to as the European version of YouTube.


William "Compo" Simmonite (Compo), Walter C. "Foggy" Dewhurst (Foggy) and Norman Clegg (Clegg or Cleggy) with the area around Huddersfield behind them.

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Yes it was known as soccer back in the early days but it still doesn't explain why American football players rarely uses their feet, apart from the kicker, and the ball isn't even round but a prolate spheroid. Hand prolate spheroid doesn't really have a ring to it though.

That's irrelevant. If the game known in America as soccer was known as soccer in other places back in the "early days" then what difference does it make what you call what is now known as American football? Soccer is soccer. Period. What you call anything is inconsequential
That's not entirely fair. 'Their' football is more exciting than Cricket. Cricket is singularly the world's most boring game. The only reason I can fathom for watching it at all is as a drinking game where you go on a weekend long bender to get as drunk and stay as drunk as possible. There is no other redeeming value in watching a game of cricket.

American football is sort of a version for pussies. "Real" football is like rugby and Australian rules football. No personal protection, and ten times the violence. You lose a limb playing, you're supposed to get up and keep playing unless you're a total woose.

I think golf is about the most boring game to watch from a spectating point of view!

Golf is a pussy sport for pussy men!

Rodeos, Football, Basketball, and Baseball are sports for REAL men. Not Pussies riding around in PUSSY golf carts- checking out each other's asses while they putt!

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Now that the Brady / Patriots era is over, I don't hate football season anymore.

The idea of that Trumpsucker dandy boy with his plastic bitch supermodel wife winning the Super Bowl to the delight of the obnoxious asshole residents of the biggest obnoxious asshole city in America was too nauseating to take.

Then, moving to Florida and becoming QB for a team I once used to root for was almost more than I could bear.

Now, every time Tampa Bay loses a game I'm like....


Fuck Tom Brady. :fu:

I hope he ends his career with a blowout loss to some cellar-dweller shit team.

Fucker deserves it for hanging around way past the time he should've hung it up.

Fuck Tom Brady. :fu:

Okay, okay.

But how do you really feel about Tom Brady?
I think golf is about the most boring game to watch from a spectating point of view!

Golf is a pussy sport for pussy men!

Rodeos, Football, Basketball, and Baseball are sports for REAL men. Not Pussies riding around in PUSSY golf carts!


Yeah, it is a pussy sport for pussy men.

That is why goddam near every professional athlete in the United States considers golf to be his/her favorite sport.

Gimme a fucking break.
Yeah, it is a pussy sport for pussy men.

That is why goddam near every professional athlete in the United States considers golf to be his/her favorite sport.

Gimme a fucking break.

Did I hit a nerve?

I was replying to the idiot that called American Football a pussy sport!
Did I hit a nerve?

I was replying to the idiot that called American Football a pussy sport!

Anyone who uses that "golf if for pussies" hits a nerve with me.

It sucks...and by now it should not be used by anyone.

BOTTOM LINE: Sports talk among athletes or commentators will just about always include talk about golf. It IS the favorite sport of numerous sports, soccer, baseball, track, and damn near every other sport...except tennis stars.
Anyone who uses that "golf if for pussies" hits a nerve with me.

It sucks...and by now it should not be used by anyone.

BOTTOM LINE: Sports talk among athletes or commentators will just about always include talk about golf. It IS the favorite sport of numerous sports, soccer, baseball, track, and damn near every other sport...except tennis stars.

Different strokes for different folks I suppose!

Some guys play golf- I play guitars!
Every time an NFL game is played in the UK- it is a sell out.

The UK loves American Football!

4 Million UK American Football fans stay up till 4:00 AM, in the UK, to watch the Super Bowl live.

Millions have all-niter Super bowl parties!