John Edwards Fairy Tale

Dems are kicking Edwards girly ass good enough, and his wife is dead tired trying to defend him. This is why only 10% of dems support him, the bottom 10%.
He doesn't believe in GOD, he's pandering to the few dems who do.
He's the phoniest I've seen in a while. That fucker flew to Nawlins for a quick photo opt. post Katrina. Got in front of a destroyed house with a few Brotha's and held a shovel. I think he actually filled a third of a small wheel barrel with sand his handlers brought in.
Dems are kicking Edwards girly ass good enough, and his wife is dead tired trying to defend him. This is why only 10% of dems support him, the bottom 10%.
He doesn't believe in GOD, he's pandering to the few dems who do.
He's the phoniest I've seen in a while. That fucker flew to Nawlins for a quick photo opt. post Katrina. Got in front of a destroyed house with a few Brotha's and held a shovel. I think he actually filled a third of a small wheel barrel with sand his handlers brought in.

Who are the bottom 10% Top? The poor trash you are sweeping out into the streets in New Orleans? Certainly not your kind. You being the cream of the crop and all.

If the crop is horseshit.
the bottom ten are the false outrage wanna be limosine leberals like you and desh.
It's far more complicated than far left always right and cons always wrong. Your far to much a simpleton to get it. The smart people are the moderates who realize such.
the bottom ten are the false outrage wanna be limosine leberals like you and desh.
It's far more complicated than far left always right and cons always wrong. Your far to much a simpleton to get it. The smart people are the moderates who realize such.

The smart people? The ones who decide to vote Republican because they don't like someone calling Bush "chimp"?

Yeah, that's real mensa stuff there. Way over my head.
A lot of stuff is over the heads of used software salesmen.
A lot of dem voters will vote for the nominee who voted for Bush you moron. Do you think your candidate or any of them will refuse the vote.
A lot of stuff is over the heads of used software salesmen.
A lot of dem voters will vote for the nominee who voted for Bush you moron. Do you think your candidate or any of them will refuse the vote.

Well, here's a little hint, tops. If you want to tout yourself as one of the "smart ones," it helps to communicate that way.

I'm not talking little spellcheck/grammar police stuff. I'm talking about not sounding like a complete, full-blown illiterate, and actually making one iota of sense when you write. What you wrote above is incomprehensible, as usual...
A lot of stuff is over the heads of used software salesmen.
A lot of dem voters will vote for the nominee who voted for Bush you moron. Do you think your candidate or any of them will refuse the vote.

If he's selling used condoms he's got one up on you. You're a two-bit pimple on the ass of a baboon, who has never made any bit of sense on this board. You have a well-earned inferiority complex that you are covering with a laughable superiority complex.
like usual lorax/plastic oncelor throws grenades from the gay shadowns and get applauded by leftdard dhula.
Lorax, how far is your phoney boy behind Hillary?

Dead heat in Iowa, thanks.

I can't believe how much you like Hill, H-girl. Part of me hopes she wins, just so you can learn the hard way how much of a disaster she will be not just for the Dem party, but for the country as a whole.

Oh, and she will both continue a war, and start a new one.
Dead heat in Iowa, thanks.

I can't believe how much you like Hill, H-girl. Part of me hopes she wins, just so you can learn the hard way how much of a disaster she will be not just for the Dem party, but for the country as a whole.

Oh, and she will both continue a war, and start a new one.

Ugh. She would be a disaster. Do you really think she's go into Iran though? I don't know, she certainly like wars and death, but the war in Iraq has been bad enough that I don't think she'd do it. I could be wrong, but I hope I am not because I fear she'll be the next CIC.
Ugh. She would be a disaster. Do you really think she's go into Iran though? I don't know, she certainly like wars and death, but the war in Iraq has been bad enough that I don't think she'd do it. I could be wrong, but I hope I am not because I fear she'll be the next CIC.

Of all the women who could really run for President at this point, Hilllary is the worst, because she's so expedient. I'm no psychologist, but I could see her going overboard in an effort to prove that a woman can be just as "tough" a leader. I definitely think she'll be the slowest to get us out of Iraq, and I think Iran is on the table w/ her.

She'll be more of a hawk than some Republicans.
LOL it's how much I like yanking the chain of the far left outer wing of my new found party.
What I like are the dems main issues. Dodd is way more in my line of important issues.
Education, and stoping the Nazi war on drugs.
I'll take whoever the nominee is to push the dem party platform, even mr fake Edwards though I think he has as much chance as Paul, or Ross Perot.