John Holdren, Obama's Science Czar, says: Forced abortions and mass sterilization nee

Can you imagine any scenario where such actions would be appropriate for a government to take??? The government sterilizing its citizens because it decides there are too many people; what a fucking arrogant defense! Forced abortions of the poor and ignorant, ay carumba!

Of course there's the flip side. Governments demanding women bear children they do not want so there will be young people to send to war.

Actually, that happened in France in 1869. That's the year Napoleon III made a back room deal with the Pope. Due to France's propensity for getting involved in wars Napoleon told the Pope he'd inform the people the Pope was infallible in exchange for the Pope declaring abortion a sin.

The Pope got a boost in ratings and France was on it's way to churn out little soldiers. Truly a deal made in Hell.
You probably haven't read the book, either. It says the authors examined all the methods either undertaken or talked about to control population growth. Then they concluded by saying they supported non-coercive measures. Furthermore, the book is over 1,000 pages long and the population portion took up 66 of those pages. The book is online. Below the next two paragraphs is the table of contents. It's clear the book is not a how-to manual on destroying the population.

In one vast 66 page chapter devoted to “Population Policies,” the authors surveyed a gamut of measures that had been undertaken or considered to control human population growth—including the most extreme. Those included coercive or “involuntary fertility control” measures, such as forced abortions and sterilizations.

However, to describe these measures is different from advocating them. And in fact, the Ehrlichs and Holdren concluded by arguing that noncoercive measures were what they suppported: “A far better choice, in our view, is to expand the use of milder methods of influencing family size preferences”—such as birth control and access to abortions.

Title Page
A Note on Documentation
Chapter 1: Population, Resources, Environment: Dimensions of the Human Predicamen t
Section I Natural Processes and Human Well-Being
Chapter 2 the Physical World
Recommended for Further Reading
Additional References
Chapter 3 Nutrient Cycles
Additional References
Recommended for Further Reading
Recommended for Further Reading
Additional References
Section II Population and Renewable Resources
Chapter 5 the History and Future of the Human Population
Recommended for Further Reading
Additional References
Chapter 6: Land, Water, and Forests
Additional References
Recommended for Further Reading
Chapter 7: A Hungry World
Section III Energy and Materials
Chapter 8 Energy
Recommended for Further Reading
Additional References
Chapter 9: Materials
Section IV Understanding Environmental Disruption
Chapter 10 Direct Assaults on Well-Being
Recommended for Further Reading
Additional References
Chapter 11: Disruption of Ecological Systems
Section V the Human Predicament: Finding a Way Out
Chapter 12 Humanity at the Crossroads
Recommended for Further Reading
Additional References
Chapter 13 Population Policies
Recommended for Further Reading
Additional References
Chapter 14 Changing American Institutions
Recommended for Further Reading
Additional References
Chapter 15 Rich Nations, Poor Nations, and International Conflict
Recommended for Further Reading
Additional References
Chapter 16: Summary
Appendix 1 World Demography
Appendix 2 Food and Nutrition
Appendix 3 Pesticides
Appendix 4 Reproduction and Birth Control
Index of Subjects
Index of Names
Abbreviations and Acronyms

You are wasting your time, they couldn't care less what he actually said anyway. It is just a another ploy to get at Obama.
Of course there's the flip side. Governments demanding women bear children they do not want so there will be young people to send to war.

Actually, that happened in France in 1869. That's the year Napoleon III made a back room deal with the Pope. Due to France's propensity for getting involved in wars Napoleon told the Pope he'd inform the people the Pope was infallible in exchange for the Pope declaring abortion a sin.

The Pope got a boost in ratings and France was on it's way to churn out little soldiers. Truly a deal made in Hell.

I suspect you have some documentation for the negotiations?.....
Of course there's the flip side. Governments demanding women bear children they do not want so there will be young people to send to war.

Actually, that happened in France in 1869. That's the year Napoleon III made a back room deal with the Pope. Due to France's propensity for getting involved in wars Napoleon told the Pope he'd inform the people the Pope was infallible in exchange for the Pope declaring abortion a sin.

The Pope got a boost in ratings and France was on it's way to churn out little soldiers. Truly a deal made in Hell.

But this is happening now.
This was not,necessarily, his opinion 30 years ago. It was a textbook and they made suggestions for policies that could be put in place.

I still find it somewhat disturbing. The fact that he bought into Ehrlich's anti-science hysteria is disturbing alone.
This was not,necessarily, his opinion 30 years ago. It was a textbook and they made suggestions for policies that could be put in place.

I still find it somewhat disturbing. The fact that he bought into Ehrlich's anti-science hysteria is disturbing alone.

"it's not his opinion, it's just suggestion for policy that could be put in place."

Why do you regurgitate this stupidity? You're smarter than this.
Of course there's the flip side. Governments demanding women bear children they do not want so there will be young people to send to war.

Actually, that happened in France in 1869. That's the year Napoleon III made a back room deal with the Pope. Due to France's propensity for getting involved in wars Napoleon told the Pope he'd inform the people the Pope was infallible in exchange for the Pope declaring abortion a sin.

The Pope got a boost in ratings and France was on it's way to churn out little soldiers. Truly a deal made in Hell.

Source please.

From what I have found it does not appear that most abortions were considered sin until 1869. Before that there was a distinction made, based largely on the writings of Aristotle, before and after the first trimester.
You are wasting your time, they couldn't care less what he actually said anyway. It is just a another ploy to get at Obama.

They are just hopeless. Anybody who can't understand the difference between describing and advocating needs to go back to school. I expected this response from the usual suspects, but some of the others are surprising.
They are just hopeless. Anybody who can't understand the difference between describing and advocating needs to go back to school. I expected this response from the usual suspects, but some of the others are surprising.

What is the purpose for describing such scenarios? You're not even exploring your own argument deep enough, retard.
They are just hopeless. Anybody who can't understand the difference between describing and advocating needs to go back to school. I expected this response from the usual suspects, but some of the others are surprising.

I had to go back and see who started the thread in the first place, no prizes for guessing it was Meme.
What is the purpose for describing such scenarios? You're not even exploring your own argument deep enough, retard.

Did you even look at the book title? The table of contents?

The authors were talking about the historical record, not current plans. Let me dumb it down for you:

-they examined all methods of population control, both coercive and non-coercive;

-they supported non-coercive methods of population control;

Is English your second language? If so I'll try to accommodate you in your first.
Did you even look at the book title? The table of contents?

The authors were talking about the historical record, not current plans. Let me dumb it down for you:

-they examined all methods of population control, both coercive and non-coercive;

-they supported non-coercive methods of population control;

Is English your second language? If so I'll try to accommodate you in your first.

the historical record? When has sterilizer been put in drinking water? When has an international security force enforced family planning policy worldwide?

Right. And hitler only thought about killing jews.