John Kelly was reportedly furious over Trump's press conference with Putin

Hello Fentoine Lum,

Pretty much every job in america, you are merely a tool; a commodity with which to generate wealth for others in return for a subsistence existence with no voice in the workplace.

I agree that most jobs suck. But not all jobs suck. I have had jobs that I really enjoyed doing, jobs where I felt respected, jobs where I had some input on what happens in the workplace.

Granted, those jobs are few and far between. Most of the jobs I ever worked I definitely felt used.

After I found good jobs, I realized that they are so rare that most people will never know what it is like to really feel like a part of things. And that is sad. To enjoy going to work every day is wonderful. Too bad most people will never know that. I was lucky enough to know it sometimes.

Small businesses definitely have a better chance of being a good job, but it is not a given. I have worked for small outfits where I thought the boss was a jerk, and worked for huge corporations where my experience was very positive. Much of that depends on your immediate superior.

I believe small businesses hold more promise for workers because everybody knows everybody. When decision-makers look each of their workers in the face, make eye contact, there is a connection there, a bond.

Large employers with thousands of workers have a disconnect. Management doesn't even know the workers. They become statistics rather than people. Numbers on a ledger, not parents or neighbors with real people issues.

One of the things that causes most jobs to suck is the fact that the ambitious ones who create jobs are often driven by a lust for wealth. Toward that end, they see workers as tools. That's why large employers can be the worst at this. Because they answer to the stock holders who only care about profits. Good management knows a company is only as strong as it's workers, and values the workers accordingly. They want workers to stay and learn to be best. But there is a cold hearted approach that reasons that the best situation for a large corporation is to minimize the reliance on any single worker, reduce and distribute responsibility so that any worker is expendable. They even take steps to set up a business with this philosophy. To purposely avoid any unneeded dependence on specific workers. Small business can't do this as easily. That's why small business TENDS to be a better employer.

But small business has a harder time competing against large business, so small business has a harder time paying competing wages.

And there is another effect. Really nasty side of capitalism. If a small business discovers a niche which allows it to be very profitable, they can treat workers very well, but they also begin to grow into large business. And worse, huge corporations take note of small business that is very profitable. They want in on it. So any small business which does well is a target for buy-out. As soon as the founders get a bit older and make enough to retire, they will be approached with buy-out offers. Often a buy-out spells the end of a good working experience for the workers. The big corporation which buys the small business will come in and eliminate anything they can to improve profitability as they see it. Perks go away. Raises go away, benefits get reduced, staff is reduced. Lay-offs come. The axe swings. The good middle managers are eliminated, age-discriminated out.

That is why good jobs are so few and far between. And often short-lived. Sucky side of capitalism.

Really sucky.
Kelly is going to be pissed off again. Trump has invited Putin over to US. for another meeting. They should just get a room.
Hello Fentoine Lum,

I agree that most jobs suck. But not all jobs suck. I have had jobs that I really enjoyed doing, jobs where I felt respected, jobs where I had some input on what happens in the workplace.

Granted, those jobs are few and far between. Most of the jobs I ever worked I definitely felt used.

After I found good jobs, I realized that they are so rare that most people will never know what it is like to really feel like a part of things. And that is sad. To enjoy going to work every day is wonderful. Too bad most people will never know that. I was lucky enough to know it sometimes.

Small businesses definitely have a better chance of being a good job, but it is not a given. I have worked for small outfits where I thought the boss was a jerk, and worked for huge corporations where my experience was very positive. Much of that depends on your immediate superior.

I believe small businesses hold more promise for workers because everybody knows everybody. When decision-makers look each of their workers in the face, make eye contact, there is a connection there, a bond.

Large employers with thousands of workers have a disconnect. Management doesn't even know the workers. They become statistics rather than people. Numbers on a ledger, not parents or neighbors with real people issues.

One of the things that causes most jobs to suck is the fact that the ambitious ones who create jobs are often driven by a lust for wealth. Toward that end, they see workers as tools. That's why large employers can be the worst at this. Because they answer to the stock holders who only care about profits. Good management knows a company is only as strong as it's workers, and values the workers accordingly. They want workers to stay and learn to be best. But there is a cold hearted approach that reasons that the best situation for a large corporation is to minimize the reliance on any single worker, reduce and distribute responsibility so that any worker is expendable. They even take steps to set up a business with this philosophy. To purposely avoid any unneeded dependence on specific workers. Small business can't do this as easily. That's why small business TENDS to be a better employer.

But small business has a harder time competing against large business, so small business has a harder time paying competing wages.

And there is another effect. Really nasty side of capitalism. If a small business discovers a niche which allows it to be very profitable, they can treat workers very well, but they also begin to grow into large business. And worse, huge corporations take note of small business that is very profitable. They want in on it. So any small business which does well is a target for buy-out. As soon as the founders get a bit older and make enough to retire, they will be approached with buy-out offers. Often a buy-out spells the end of a good working experience for the workers. The big corporation which buys the small business will come in and eliminate anything they can to improve profitability as they see it. Perks go away. Raises go away, benefits get reduced, staff is reduced. Lay-offs come. The axe swings. The good middle managers are eliminated, age-discriminated out.

That is why good jobs are so few and far between. And often short-lived. Sucky side of capitalism.

Really sucky.

The claim was that the result of our version of capitalism would be oh so much better than the reality for most. Now that's bad enough, but the rabid insistence on the part of some that this is "working" for society as a whole is ludicrous.
Hello Fentoine Lum,

The claim was that the result of our version of capitalism would be oh so much better than the reality for most. Now that's bad enough, but the rabid insistence on the part of some that this is "working" for society as a whole is ludicrous.

I know, right?

They are dancing around with a minuscule tax cut for the middle class while the rich raided the piggy bank and set the debt on course to massive increase. And as they dance with such glee, they forget that the tax cut for the middle is temporary while the one for the rich is permanent. Were they hornswoggled or what?
The claim was that the result of our version of capitalism would be oh so much better than the reality for most. Now that's bad enough, but the rabid insistence on the part of some that this is "working" for society as a whole is ludicrous.

Capitalism has worked for the country as a whole. too bad the wealthy could not leave it alone. They moved us to oligopoly. They have so much money, power and control over the news, that most of us have been convinced we are still moving together. The wealthy have decoupled from us. They have their own gated communities, . They go to their private clubs. Play golf on private courses. They send their kids to separate and special schools. They do nothing with the masses. The wealth gap is worse than the Gilded age and Americans think they can get ahead. That is a myth.
I am going to assume that John Kelly feels he is serving his country best by sticking with the job he has at the moment...a job which seems to include preventing the ignorant sicko currently in the Oval Office from totally destroying our Republic.

I certainly hope that is what is happening.

We probably won't know for sure until he writes his memoirs.

Kelly is scum too
Capitalism has worked for the country as a whole. too bad the wealthy could not leave it alone. They moved us to oligopoly. They have so much money, power and control over the news, that most of us have been convinced we are still moving together. The wealthy have decoupled from us. They have their own gated communities, . They go to their private clubs. Play golf on private courses. They send their kids to separate and special schools. They do nothing with the masses. The wealth gap is worse than the Gilded age and Americans think they can get ahead. That is a myth.

Capitalism has worked for the country as a whole. too bad the wealthy could not leave it alone. They moved us to oligopoly. They have so much money, power and control over the news, that most of us have been convinced we are still moving together. The wealthy have decoupled from us. They have their own gated communities, . They go to their private clubs. Play golf on private courses. They send their kids to separate and special schools. They do nothing with the masses. The wealth gap is worse than the Gilded age and Americans think they can get ahead. That is a myth.

Capitalism used to work for the country as a whole. Yeah. Given on who you deem "the whole" to be, but point taken. No longer the case, won't pretend. What did you think they would do? "Power concedes nothing without first a demand."
Capitalism used to work for the country as a whole. Yeah. Given on who you deem "the whole" to be, but point taken. No longer the case, won't pretend. What did you think they would do? "Power concedes nothing without first a demand."

It started with poisoning the people about unions. Unions are how workers have the power to stand up to companies and make demands. Since they were gutted, wages and benefits have dropped in relation to those on top. Profits are ayt all time highs and wages are flat or dropping. That is what happens when execs can power a single workr. We gave away that power and the poor and middle class are so powerfully propagandized against unions, that they are damaging themselves badly. Ask young poeople about unions. They know they are bad. They cannot tell you why. The powerful propaganda of the rich has worked perfectly to divide and separate us ,so we have no power.
It started with poisoning the people about unions. Unions are how workers have the power to stand up to companies and make demands. Since they were gutted, wages and benefits have dropped in relation to those on top. Profits are ayt all time highs and wages are flat or dropping. That is what happens when execs can power a single workr. We gave away that power and the poor and middle class are so powerfully propagandized against unions, that they are damaging themselves badly. Ask young poeople about unions. They know they are bad. They cannot tell you why. The powerful propaganda of the rich has worked perfectly to divide and separate us ,so we have no power.

It's all in the Powell Memorandum. The masses must be kept struggling economically; they're less socially and politically active that way. Squeeze them.