John Kerry Tears Into Trump

that is absolutely false. Not one scrap of evidence has shown that. Rove lied and was proud of how well his lies worked. It is difficult to find anyone who actually believed this shit Rove made up. After all this time, I would have thought the truth even penetrates right wing circles and they would have been embarrassed. You people are not only easily suckered, but you cannot learn either.

Dude ...

The traitor admitted in on National TV

I know that's not enough to break your denial but, the rest of the normal thinking folks in this Country heard him loud and clear.
Which is probably why Donald Trump's approval ratings are so low...and the ratings of disapproval are so high.

Aren't those the same polls that told you HRC was gonna win in a land slide right up until about 9:45 on election night?

Bleat, bleat, baby ....
Looks like you're triggered again. lol

Oh yeah .....

Debate the message. rove designed swiftboating to cut kerry's obvious advantage over Bush. I am niot your secretary. You can find all about swiftboating if you want to, and it is not pretty. unfair and dishonest are the key words to swiftboating. i am amazed that it did not die a well deserved death. it is reprehensible.

It's also completely inline with typical rightwing practice and beliefs.
Kerry was a traitor, a hater of this Great Nation and threw his own men he served with under the bus.

America didn't need the Swift Boat story to know what a POS Kerry is.

Absolutely not true. How did you swallow such lies? I have read accounts of his battles and he was a hero. Wounded 3 times and showed great nerve in the face of gunfire and war. perhaps not as brave as trump, but still a real soldier doing dangerous duty. Again, not as dangeroous as golfing with crippling, horrible bone spurs, that is real patriotism.
Absolutely not true. How did you swallow such lies? I have read accounts of his battles and he was a hero. Wounded 3 times and showed great nerve in the face of gunfire and war. perhaps not as brave as trump, but still a real soldier doing dangerous duty. Again, not as dangeroous as golfing with crippling, horrible bone spurs, that is real patriotism.

Tell that to the men that served with Kerry.

You know ... the ones he lied about while testifying in front of Congress.
Fuck you and your party before Country bullshit.

It's all about Country.

Is their something about #MAGA you missed?

Maybe the America Part.

Fuckin Left tards

MAGA was always just code for "Make America White Again". And, yes it's all about country, dragging the whole country into some rightwing cesspool. The GOP cares nothing about the country. It's all about the GOP.