John McCain From Hero To Zero

Utter hypocrisy. People who complain about swiftboating are supporting this (not all, but definitely some). Total and blatant purposeful ideologically based hypocrisy.
Utter hypocrisy. People who complain about swiftboating are supporting this (not all, but definitely some). Total and blatant purposeful ideologically based hypocrisy.

Oh the poutrage!!

And you who were so vocal in standing up against the swiftboaters! I can see how this would really in your craw!
Utter hypocrisy. People who complain about swiftboating are supporting this (not all, but definitely some). Total and blatant purposeful ideologically based hypocrisy.
And what exactly was the point the swiftboaters made?
And what exactly was the point the swiftboaters made?

If you are going to complain about the Swiftboaters then it hardly becomes you to use much the same tactics to rubbish McCain. The claim that he gave away info under torture is the most disgusting, to my mind. I wonder just how many people would survive being tortuted by the VietCong who were acknowledged experts in such techniques?

I wonder if we should compare Edward Kennedy with McCain? Both came from privileged backgrounds, both like to booze and screw women in equal measure However McCain didn't run away and leave a young woman to drown and he didn't avoid active military service. Yet good old Ted is considered a hero to many on the Left??

Kennedy earned C grades at the private Milton Academy, but was admitted to Harvard as a "legacy" -- his father and older brothers had attended there, so the younger and dimmer Kennedy's admission was virtually assured. While attending, he was expelled twice, once for cheating on a test, and once for paying a classmate to cheat for him. While expelled, Kennedy enlisted in the Army, but mistakenly signed up for four years instead of two. His father, Joseph P. Kennedy, former U.S. Ambassador to England, pulled the necessary strings to have his enlistment shortened to two years, and to ensure that he served in Europe, not Korea, where a war was raging. Kennedy was assigned to Paris, never advanced beyond the rank of Private, and returned to Harvard upon being discharged.
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I've been studying the incompetent McCain for years.

Your post refutes claims that I never made. If you can show my post that claims 5 crashes, your response might have some credence.

Your factcheck cites many awards for McCain. I'm sure his lineage had nothing to do with the dismissal of his prior incompetence.

Factcheck this: Any pilot with a many blemishes on is record, would NOT be an active duty pilot anymore.

First Crash, March 12, 1960: This took place while McCain, a young, unmarried officer not long out of the Naval Academy, was in advanced flight training at Corpus Christi, Texas. Timberg and McCain both give the cause as engine failure, but a Navy investigation blamed McCain's inattention to altitude.

Second crash, Nov. 28 1965: By this time Lt. McCain was stationed at Meridian, Mississippi, and was newly married to his first wife, Carol. McCain had flown to Philadelphia to attend an Army-Navy football game with his parents and was bringing back Christmas presents for the family in the baggage compartment of his plane. His jet engine quit over the Chesapeake Bay.

The Forrestal Disaster, July 1967: At the time of this incident Lt. Cdr. McCain already had flown several bombing missions over North Vietnam from the aircraft carrier USS Forrestal. As he was in his A-4 Skyhawk, loaded with two, 1,000-pound bombs and waiting on the carrier deck for his turn to launch, a Zuni missile accidentally fired from another aircraft, swooshed across the carrier deck and struck either McCain's plane or one next to it.

There were two crashes prior to the Forrestal incident and he was implicated in the first training mission over the Gulf of Mexico.
Served honorably, and saw action in combat. Denouncing the war when he got back earns him hero status

What did McCain do? Shit himself in a cage?

Too bad McCain isn't a Democrat or you would consider him a war hero also. I judge people by the content of their character, not their political party.
Makes perfect sense. Instead of seeking the truth, just demonize the person...

I've been trying to get the truth out of you for days now...but you STILL won't show any proof of this mysterious "stand down" order you brought up but now won't discuss...choosing instead to demonize me with insults and vulgarity.
I've been trying to get the truth out of you for days now...but you STILL won't show any proof of this mysterious "stand down" order you brought up but now won't discuss...choosing instead to demonize me with insults and vulgarity.

I demonize liars and you're a liar. Let's try it this way..... Why wasn't help sent or why weren't they removed after they repeatedly begged for help?
This from the people who were upset at the people who pointed out stuff about John Kerry... you know, those same people who call him a war hero (he is)?

John Kerry and John McCain are both war heroes, and now both have had some political ideologues try to discredit them.

Damo, you honestly don't see a decline in John McCain over the years?

I don't agree with swift boating, but I also think that John Mc Cain has lost credibility. I don't see anything wrong with pointing this out.
Damo, you honestly don't see a decline in John McCain over the years?

I don't agree with swift boating, but I also think that John Mc Cain has lost credibility. I don't see anything wrong with pointing this out.

Most the people in his party hate him.
IMO, John McCain is really a secret agent of the left. He’s a gun control nut, his best buddy ever is that lefty Feingold of the unconstitutional McCain Feingold legislation crap and now he’s working for the left to defame a black woman to piss off blacks and women even more at the idiot Republicans who are too fucking stupid to tell him to shut his stupid mouth.
I find most of the ad homs on Senator McCain false, scurolous and utterly lacking in validity. There's plenty to criticize Senator McCain about politically with out stooping to these sort of rotten and false personal attacks.

These kind of attacks on a man who sacrificed 7 years of his life as a POW, refused to be swapped because of his status as a son of an admiral and who suffered life long debilitating injuries due to torture are completely contemptable.
Served honorably, and saw action in combat. Denouncing the war when he got back earns him hero status

What did McCain do? Shit himself in a cage?

"Denouncing the war..."

You mean like throwing medals over the White House fence, claiming they were his, and then it's discovered that they were someone elses?

Is that what you call "Denouncing the war"?
Damo, you honestly don't see a decline in John McCain over the years?

I don't agree with swift boating, but I also think that John Mc Cain has lost credibility. I don't see anything wrong with pointing this out.
Well hell who doesn't decline over the years? I know my farts aren't getting any sweeter. I don't see anything wrong with pointing out disagreements or mistakes in Senator McCain's political positions but these swift boat type personal attacks are just plain wrong no matter who makes them.