John Mccain - The Audacity of Hopelessness

Since they're both actually of one mind, yes, it's the politics of it. Now if Obama actually expresses a desire to help workers over corporations and will work to keep the teeming masses out then I'll have a reason besides spite.

Question is .. why don't you already know this is Obama's position?
I did know. I just hate republicans and hillary and think the black man should get a chance.

Most excellent my brother.

“This administration has further divided Wall Street from Main Street. You got C.E.O.’s who are making more in 10 minutes than ordinary workers are making in a year.” In an interview, he continues: “The bedrock, the foundation of our economy, is our workers. And the middle class have been treading water or worse. My plan says: ‘Let’s return some balance to our tax code. Close these corporate loopholes the lobbyists put in, and let’s make sure that tax breaks are given to people who really need it.’ ”

“$1,000 tax cut per working family” and “No taxes on seniors making under $50,000.”
The problems is that he wanted it in the first place and insulted those who didn't go along. Frack him.

Doesn't he have a core self? yes, he does. He's an internationalist. He just keeps throwing up that stupid "fence first" line as if it's the alpha and omega of the whole immigration issue. It pains him to not insult his base openly. He's a sad excuse for a human being, actually.
Everybody does, but does everybody have immigration at their "core"? I don't think they all do. In fact, I think smart people can realize they make mistakes even if it is as their "core", but in this case I don't think his "core" was changed at all.
I’d been wondering how John McCain was going to inspire his followers with a rousing message of powerless victimhood, and yesterday I saw him do it: Dismissing Obama’s promises of hope as “only rhetoric” and “platitudes," McCain insisted that the events of 9/11 defined the scope of American hopes and freedom forever. This country can no longer afford hope! We’ve been hurt too badly! It’s all just fear and worry from here on out! Our enemies feed on our hope! The decision to see yourself as the sum of the worst things that have ever been done to you by your enemies used to be the sole province of liberals. I say that if McCain wants to reimagine the GOP as the pity party for the new millennium, he’s welcome to it.

If Mccain thinks he can win with the message of doom .. good luck with that bullshit

paraphrasing from, you are such a troll, and a bad one at that. I've tried to debate you before, but am giving up as of this point, you have completely eclipsed even mental handicaps in my mind and I don't beat up on the disabled.
Everybody does, but does everybody have immigration at their "core"? I don't think they all do. In fact, I think smart people can realize they make mistakes even if it is as their "core", but in this case I don't think his "core" was changed at all.

He hasn't changed his opinion or "realized he's wrong". HE just realized he needs to pander and lie more and talk about meaningless things like fences. When you plan on giving everyone a ticket through the front door, a fence does little, no matter how much you focus on it in your talking points.
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He hasn't changed his opinion or "realized he's wrong". HE just realized he needs to pander and lie more and talk about meaningless things like fences. When you plan on giving everyone a ticket through the front door, a fence does little, no matter how much you focus on it in your talking points.
He doesn't focus on the fence in his talking points.

The reality is, if anybody is going to do anything about YOUR core belief to keep any illegal immigrants out, Obama isn't your guy. Pandering isn't what he is doing, it is what you are doing.

It isn't HIS core, it's yours and you can't see past your own core to realize that others have different core values than you do. Of course being pragmatic is something nobody can do in your world. Realizing that others believe strongly about something and will not vote for you is pragmatic. Instead you would beat yourself up.

Of course McCain does nothing for my core value of getting rid of the War Powers Act, or a Balanced Budget Amendment, the next layer of that onion, the next is immigration... (Notice, it is third on my list while for you it seems to be the only one that matters. It is likely even further down McCain's list, in other words not a change in his "core" values.)

damo you really think McCain wouldn't support a balanced budget amendment?

[SIZE=-1]McCain supports amending the US Constitution to require an annual balanced federal budget... FYI

damo you really think McCain wouldn't support a balanced budget amendment?

[SIZE=-1]McCain supports amending the US Constitution to require an annual balanced federal budget... FYI
I've read his site and seen nothing of this. He also makes no move to get rid of the War Powers Act which I find to be the most direct cause of the mess the wars become that are started using that crappy legislation.
Voted For Balanced Budget Amend., & off-budget Social Security

McCain was one of only two Republicans who voted twice, in 1995 and again in 1997, to take Social Security “off-budget” - removing it from balanced budget calculations as part of a constitutional balanced budget amendment - which would have prevented the government from filling the trust fund with “IOU’s”.
John McCain is one of the strongest fiscal Conservatives running in a long while...
Yet he does not mention the Balanced Budget Amendment at this time. Although his vote for such an amendment helps me consider him a bit more. However he does not reconsider the War Powers Act and was one of many who mocked Ron Paul for such an assurance as a Declaration for Wars.
None of the three front-runners says anything at all about the miserable mess that the War Powers Act has on "wars".