Riding usc again? I'm the one who said it, and here is my example:
Jarod, something occured to me about this subject.
Sometime over the past year, I was talking about how I felt that the coverage of Clinton's affairs was very sexist, because they always referred to "bimbo eruptions", and I did not agree with calling any of these women bimbos. Damo agreed with me, and did not pass moral judgement on those women for sleeping with Clinton, a married man.
Jarod, guess who disagreed? Guess who said that they were bimbos and what else would I call a woman who slept with a married man?
Does anyone need 10 guesses?
Yeah, it was Superfreak.
So, what we now know is that SF has been going crazy because you called a slut, yes, by his own moral "values" Cindy mccain is nothing but a slut....Candy.
And that my friends, is what you call some big assed hypocrisy.