You guys, Beefy, Ornot and Damo are being far too hard on this woman. Yes, she showed poor judgement in putting her daughter in beauty contests, especially made up like that, but that doesn't mean she didn't love her. People not only have different values, but they value different things. Perhaps she herself was raised to believe that the only thing a girl had to offer was her looks. She did have a beautiful little girl. Showing off that beauty might have been, to her, the ultimate expression of love. YOu don't know.
And do you have any reason to believe that this man first noticed her because of a beauty pagent? I read he was a teacher? though with these first reports you have to be careful. But if that is true, how scary is that? And what should "good mothers" do, keep their kids out of school?
I just feel so sorry for her, because I bet she loved that girl very much, and even though we (and I do agree that it's damaging and stupid) question how she chose to shower attention on her, she obviously did do so, and then she was murdered right in her own house, and then, the entire world suspected she had something to with it. What moments peace did that woman ever know since that horrible day? And then she died of cancer, which you know, studies have shown that stress causes cancer.
What a terrible fate she was dealt, I feel, wish her final peace and let her be.