
Yeah it does have to be this way because we are stupit hoomans.

No. It doesn't. We don't have to have a system of fiat currency, which degrades regular people and keeps the elites on a permanent power trip. We don't have to abandon loyalty to our fellow countrymen in preference to loyalties to corporations and illegitimate governing bodies. You spout a whole lotta wrong.
hmmm. it doesn't have to be this way. ANd we don't have to continue making the hierarchy larger and more abusive, contrary to the brainwash in your head which you think is your own thoughts.
What if it is? What if he never read the Wizard of Oz books and thus was never corrupted by rainbows?
No. It doesn't. We don't have to have a system of fiat currency, which degrades regular people and keeps the elites on a permanent power trip. We don't have to abandon loyalty to our fellow countrymen in preference to loyalties to corporations and illegitimate governing bodies. You spout a whole lotta wrong.

Umm we had these problems long before we had fiat currency.
Watch Zardoz.
Umm we had these problems long before we had fiat currency.
Watch Zardoz.

And certain policies only enable more of man's inhumanity to man. There is no "ultimate end state" for human society, as the military industrial complex portrays the future. all these are fictions designed to inculcate fear based totalitarian behavior.
To unravel the Zionist Conspiracy, watch Wizard of Oz synched with Dark side of the Moon by Floyd while tripping acid.

It will open your eyes!
To unravel the Zionist Conspiracy, watch Wizard of Oz synched with Dark side of the Moon by Floyd while tripping acid.

It will open your eyes!

Or just watch the news and the blatant double standards of policy our zionist overlords espouse for our nation, and for their homeland.

America must have open borders.

Israel must control all who enter with machine gun checkpoints.

It's naked and glaring.
Ahh, butt I am probably a bit too old for acid....

Aldous Huxley requested on his deathbed that he be intravenously injected with LSD as he died. What an amazing, peaceful, highminded way to meet your demise.

If I have a say in the matter, I would die as he did.
Our whole society is infused with the "dominate or be dominated" meme, which is, in fact, a false dichotomy.

How can it be false if our societies and such are infused with it ?

Ohh I get it like believing in God....Ok, gotcha .

But lot of luck getting rid of it just like getting rid of religion...umm come to think of it they are closely intertwined....

Be it the sun god, the fertility god, Zeus, god god, the breat booger god, etc...
How can it be false if our societies and such are infused with it ?

Ohh I get it like believing in God....Ok, gotcha .

But lot of luck getting rid of it just like getting rid of religion...umm come to think of it they are closely intertwined....

Be it the sun god, the fertility god, Zeus, god god, the breat booger god, etc...

Our societies are full of many lies. Mostly they are to keep people inside the control structure that serves the elites.
I'd be careful saying society is always, mostly, or even usually right.

I did not say it was right/correct. Just accepted and infused into our societies.
So how can it be false from our societies point of view ?

religions and other tools to manipulate us change over the millenia, but they remain as control mechanisms.
I did not say it was right/correct. Just accepted and infused into our societies.
So how can it be false from our societies point of view ?

religions and other tools to manipulate us change over the millenia, but they remain as control mechanisms.

Truth is not determined by how many people believe it. This is the stupidest line of thought you ventured down in a while.
You keep throwing that truth word in there.
Religion and societies do not necessarially have anything to do with truth at all. Just general acceptance of a lie or a truth.
You keep throwing that truth word in there.
Religion and societies do not necessarially have anything to do with truth at all. Just general acceptance of a lie or a truth.

But the acceptance of the lie becomes rarer and rarer as it becomes more and more evident that the elites are utilizing the lie past the point which the rest of humanity will allow them. And then we stop allowing them and speak the truth. Then things change.
But the acceptance of the lie becomes rarer and rarer as it becomes more and more evident that the elites are utilizing the lie past the point which the rest of humanity will allow them. And then we stop allowing them and speak the truth. Then things change.

Yep then things change. Throughout history we have just moved to another lie....