Jordan Peterson: Antisemite, Transphobe, and Compulsive Liar
So recently, Jordan Peterson took a bit of a break from lying about trans people and Bill C-16 to have an interview with Sky News where he made some really quite bizarre claims if I can put it mildly.
One of the things Peterson is most known for is arguing that the idea of Cultural Marxism is pervasive in western society. The interviewer I guess tried to push him on this and ask him whether or not the whole idea is a conspiracy and Peterson pushed back on this saying that “every academic in the west is a leftist” and thus the idea that Cultural Marxism is a conspiracy is nonsense. He also made some claims about the philosophies of Foucault and Derrida that are laughable, to say the least.
Now, like with everything Peterson says that isn’t solely related to psychology, this is complete nonsense and a blatant lie on his part. The idea that every academic is a leftist is not true, a great example of this are the Chicago school economists, these people are not Marxists or leftists in any sense of the term, there are also the Austrian School and Randians, etc. These people fervently reject any and all aspects of left-wing politics, so his claim that every academic is a leftist is just factually incorrect.