JPP Debate Championship alternate list


on indefiniate mod break
Hi everyone

I would like to start an alternate list for the debate championship in case down the line various people decide not to participate. First come, first serve.

If you have previously participated and lost you can join but you will be at the bottom of the list. Many may say this is not fair but in the event that we need to go to an alternate, it's better to have someone than no one at all.
Hi everyone

I would like to start an alternate list for the debate championship in case down the line various people decide not to participate. First come, first serve.

If you have previously participated and lost you can join but you will be at the bottom of the list. Many may say this is not fair but in the event that we need to go to an alternate, it's better to have someone than no one at all.

Can you make this for when someone actually backs out, rather then assuming that they're not going to participate.
Plus; depending on the size of the alternate list (which I don't see as having any new participants; but rather the ones that are allready participating) this could lead to someone deciding to back out of a debate; because he figures he'll suck as bad as Watermark and then trying to re-enter on one they hope they can do better at.
well yes but given the number of people in debates it seems likely. already we have asshat going awol and usaloyal has stated she doesn't intend to participate.
Well, I posted my opening statement... What happens if AssHat doesn't show up with an argument?
Well, I posted my opening statement... What happens if AssHat doesn't show up with an argument?

You win by default. In fact, you need not have posted, because his failure to show up protects you from being penalized, and thus you win from his disqualification.
Well, I posted my opening statement... What happens if AssHat doesn't show up with an argument?

well you either win by default, or we can have an alternate debate you tomorrow. at this point it's pretty much impossible to finish the debate by 9am as you can't just wait for asshat to post his stupid ass arguments. I literally posted on his wall 3 times, twice asking him to at least TELL me if he was participating or not. And he was online all day today so I don't buy any b.s. excuse other than him being a total dipshit.
watermark is the only one on the alternate list as of now

It just occured to me that if Watermark keeps losing, and he more then likely will, then he'll be able to contine debating as an alternative.
This gives him the unfair advantage of continueing to try, until he gets lucky and wins one.

Even a broken clock is right, twice a day.
Watermark had his chance and failed.

I think we should just let the debates go as they are.
If someone bails, like AssHat; then Damo wins by default and AssHat should be known forever more, as He Who Failed Miserably.
personally i would rather have a debate than no debate. and if no one wants watermark to have another chance all the have to do is jump in the ring themselves. there are plenty of people on here that haven't signed up. If people think it's less gay to likely have 2+ debates get pushed through by default then I of course have no problem listening to everyone and just doing as you wish.

It's not an ideal situation but we have to choose the least lame scenario.
im also open to pushing the debate through if we don't get anyone other than watermark, if it's mostly about you just opposing watermark getting a second chance.
personally i would rather have a debate than no debate. and if no one wants watermark to have another chance all the have to do is jump in the ring themselves. there are plenty of people on here that haven't signed up. If people think it's less gay to likely have 2+ debates get pushed through by default then I of course have no problem listening to everyone and just doing as you wish.

It's not an ideal situation but we have to choose the least lame scenario.

But look at it this way.
If people do start bailing and Watermark is the only one that is the alternative; it's possible he could end up in the finals, without winning a single debate.
im also open to pushing the debate through if we don't get anyone other than watermark, if it's mostly about you just opposing watermark getting a second chance.

I just think it gives an unfair advantage to Watermark, that the rest of the field doesn't have.

Plus it means that we are going to be subjected to a continual whine-fest, everytime he loses.
you do make a good point, I would rather just see a debate than no debate, or it makes the debate championship pretty lame if 1/3rd the debates don't take place. it just kinda sucks.
also us no alternate would make it to the finals if they didn't pass round 1. I don't think we will use alternates for round 2 as it wouldn't make sense to just let an alternate jump in the middle somewhere