JPP Debate Championship alternate list

i honestly don't care either way.

1)give damo the default win,
2)find an alternate other than watermark,
3) let watermark do it since he's only the currently willing

it's all up to everyone else
you do make a good point, I would rather just see a debate than no debate, or it makes the debate championship pretty lame if 1/3rd the debates don't take place. it just kinda sucks.

I agree; but the fault of this falls on those who agreed and then bailed.
I wish there was an easier answer to this; but we are kind of limited on who we can call on.
It just occured to me that if Watermark keeps losing, and he more then likely will, then he'll be able to contine debating as an alternative.
This gives him the unfair advantage of continueing to try, until he gets lucky and wins one.

Even a broken clock is right, twice a day.
Watermark had his chance and failed.

I think we should just let the debates go as they are.
If someone bails, like AssHat; then Damo wins by default and AssHat should be known forever more, as He Who Failed Miserably.
I agree with that. I think we only need an alternate in a case like US Loyal backs out in advance or in a case where both parties bail. Giving someone who as competed and lost a second chance is unfair to the others who have won fair and square.
personally i would rather have a debate than no debate. and if no one wants watermark to have another chance all the have to do is jump in the ring themselves. there are plenty of people on here that haven't signed up. If people think it's less gay to likely have 2+ debates get pushed through by default then I of course have no problem listening to everyone and just doing as you wish.

It's not an ideal situation but we have to choose the least lame scenario.
I have no problem with that but it should boil down to that sort of scenario before someone gets a second chance.
But look at it this way.
If people do start bailing and Watermark is the only one that is the alternative; it's possible he could end up in the finals, without winning a single debate.
If that happens then the contest will have been a complete failure any ways and it wouldn't matter. I'm hoping that the other contestents will compete and that others not on the list will step up to the plate and volunteer to be an alternate.
I just think it gives an unfair advantage to Watermark, that the rest of the field doesn't have.

Plus it means that we are going to be subjected to a continual whine-fest, everytime he loses.
Awww the whine fest is just Skidmarks sense of humor. He's just trolling. If in the first round we have no other alternates and someone bails I have no problem giving him a second chance if that's what is needed to keep the debate going....but only for the first round of competition. I'm hopeing that we won't have a whole lot of people bailing.
If that happens then the contest will have been a complete failure any ways and it wouldn't matter. I'm hoping that the other contestents will compete and that others not on the list will step up to the plate and volunteer to be an alternate.

I like the idea of an alternatives list, perhaps the 'finals' is what should be looked at? This could be like the jr. varsity league, less bad-mouthing and less pressure? I've always steered away from formal debate, though have helped others prepare while in school and while teaching. I think it was threedee who thought his experience in such just wasn't developed enough? It would help those who've 'lost' but took the chance in the first debate to sharpen their skills and give experience to those who would like to try, but didn't want to go up against some of the stronger people here in the first debate?

Maybe there's some icon or something that could be given the 'winners' in this contest, that is not as 'grand' as boasting rights on the first?
I like the idea of an alternatives list, perhaps the 'finals' is what should be looked at? This could be like the jr. varsity league, less bad-mouthing and less pressure? I've always steered away from formal debate, though have helped others prepare while in school and while teaching. I think it was threedee who thought his experience in such just wasn't developed enough? It would help those who've 'lost' but took the chance in the first debate to sharpen their skills and give experience to those who would like to try, but didn't want to go up against some of the stronger people here in the first debate?

Maybe there's some icon or something that could be given the 'winners' in this contest, that is not as 'grand' as boasting rights on the first?
Oh, I like that idea.

Say those who win first round debates are JPP Senators and those who win 2nd round are Elder Statesmen and those who make the 3rd round are Masters of Debate and the winner is of course the Kung Fu Master of Debate...something like that.
Oh, I like that idea.

Say those who win first round debates are JPP Senators and those who win 2nd round are Elder Statesmen and those who make the 3rd round are Masters of Debate and the winner is of course the Kung Fu Master of Debate...something like that.

and those on the alternative list, can have two ranks or something, both positive, but not on the same level as those who went first?

Oh yeah, the judges take cash. ;)
I agree with that. I think we only need an alternate in a case like US Loyal backs out in advance or in a case where both parties bail. Giving someone who as competed and lost a second chance is unfair to the others who have won fair and square.

Well I won, so it doesn't matter.

Grind asked me to do it and I didn't really want to. You're juts an asshole who lost fair and square so your opinion doesn't matter anyway. Counting your opinion would be unfair to others who have won fair and square, like me.