JPP Experts

It matters to me, Sybil. Why are you worried it matters to others?
Terry, of course it only matters to me insofar as giving the phony appearance that these two accounts are somehow not socks run by the same person (me).

You're like a child blaming the family dog for putting a baseball through the front window. LOL
Crap, I really have overused this line. I'm glad I noticed. I'll need to start looking for a new one.
Terry, of course it only matters to me insofar as giving the phony appearance that these two accounts are somehow not socks run by the same person (me).

Crap, I really have overused this line. I'm glad I noticed. I'll need to start looking for a new one.

Which two accounts am I claiming are yours besides the one I'm currently addressing, Sybil?
You're free to believe that, Perry. Obviously Sun Tzu is not on your reading list. "All war is based on deception".

Time until Perry frantically starts Googling "Sun Tzu": 10...9...8.....

I love how you picked up Cypress' talking point. You are two joined at the hip.

People with actual college degrees like to discuss intellectual topics while mentally unstable dropouts like you only seek to distract and troll.

Really? then why didn't you engage with this:


(Emphasis added).

You're right that the temp is pretty low (95K = -178C) which would yield pretty slow reaction rates. The authors of the article propose the use of catalysts to facilitate these reactions:

The authors also discuss the problems related to solubility of organics in liquid methane but they also propose a mechanism utilizing large surface area for a given volume for the life forms that could still make use of "sparse solubility" as they say.

Or this:

Just because we have the same genetic lineage as all the other life on earth doesn't mean life didn't arise multiple times. It could be that only one line survived. Remember in the End Permian, when about 95% of the ocean's biodiversity was wiped out where we could have lost many of those other strains. And that's only ONE of the many possible mass-extinctions that could have occurred. There's probably ample opportunity in the pre-Cambrian for multiple mass extinctions over and over again.

Yeah, life as we know it is pretty robust, but that doesn't mean it is impossible to destroy it. Especially early on when the environmental niches were not yet exploited. And what if the origin of life was the RNA-world hypothesis? Would we be able to clearly identify our "DNA lineage" back to that?

And finally: my favorite approach is that involving mineral surfaces as catalytic sites. Proto-life could have been little more than chemical adsorption features on clays or carbonates. Even the RNA-world article I cited above says: "It has been proposed that the first “biological” molecules on Earth were formed by metal-based catalysis on the crystalline surfaces of minerals. ". What if life started over and over and over as these mineral surface reactions? Finally when polynucleotides developed life took off in the form we know it.

This obviates the need for DNA-life to start multiple times. Once DNA was on the scene perhaps that is what finally gave a more robust system of reproduction and passing-on of heritable information and that is the lineage we share.

Genuinely curious why you excoriate me for not talking science when I'm the only one on here who actually IS talking science which you and your sweetheart ignore like the plague.
Really? then why didn't you engage with this:

Or this:

Genuinely curious why you excoriate me for not talking science when I'm the only one on here who actually IS talking science which you and your sweetheart ignore like the plague.

You're just paraphrasing the words of researchers whose articles you frantically googled ten seconds after reading my posts. You don't write in your own original words and thoughts based on your own innate knowledge.

Paraphrasing others does not make you scientifically competent or literate.

As for your post on abiogenesis, I briefly glanced at it briefly but it didn't strike me as particularly compelling or scientific. It was chock full of

What if?
It's not impossible
Coulda, woulda, shoulda.

That kind of speculation and conjecture isn't very compelling.
You're just paraphrasing the words of researchers whose articles

I'm gonna stop you right there. Remember YOU ARE DOING THE EXACT SAME THING. I am sure you are NOT a planetary exobiologist by training. So all your stuff you post on this is someone else's work. NOT YOUR OWN.

you frantically googled ten seconds after reading my posts. You don't write in your own original words and thoughts based on your own innate knowledge.

So that's the excuse you need to not talk science? You need to blame someone else because you don't know anything?

Paraphrasing others does not make you scientifically competent or literate.

I cited my references you miserable fuck.

As for your post on abiogenesis, I briefly glanced at it briefly but it didn't strike me as particularly compelling or scientific. It was chock full of

That's because you didn't understand it. You lack scientific training.

What if?
It's not impossible
Coulda, woulda, shoulda.


That kind of speculation and conjecture isn't very compelling.

I'm gonna stop you right there. Remember YOU ARE DOING THE EXACT SAME THING. I am sure you are NOT a planetary exobiologist by training. So all your stuff you post on this is someone else's work. NOT YOUR OWN.

So that's the excuse you need to not talk science? You need to blame someone else because you don't know anything?

I cited my references you miserable fuck.

That's because you didn't understand it. You lack scientific training.



When you stop frantically googling, paraphrasing the words of other people, plagiarizing without attribution, and stop having emotional meltdowns , posters might find you more credible
I love how you picked up Cypress' talking point.
It's not a talking point if it's demonstrably true. For some reason, ten seconds after reading a post you are frantically googling for tidbits of scientific information, and sprinting back here to pass it off as your own.

I rarely google because I am generally not writing anything that somebody with introductory or undergraduate level college physics, chemistry, and biology wouldn't already have under their belt, or acquired by a lifetime of reading science journalism.

I don't think anyone else here is paraphrasing and plagiarizing internet sources in an attempt to feign the language of a "biogeochem" PhD researcher.
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You're free to believe that, Perry. Obviously Sun Tzu is not on your reading list. "All war is based on deception".

Time until Perry frantically starts Googling "Sun Tzu": 10...9...8.....

If we're going to throw chum out there for the frantic Googlers, I would add the military theorist Carl von Clausewitz to the mix. I might be wrong, but he probably gets more class time at the Army War College than Sun Tzu does.
If we're going to throw chum out there for the frantic Googlers, I would add the military theorist Carl von Clausewitz to the mix. I might be wrong, but he probably gets more class time at the Army War College than Sun Tzu does.

Agreed since von Clausewitz expanded more on the modern military. Von Clausewitz is more for Colonels and Generals, mostly strategic warfare. I lean more toward asymmetrical warfare and cut to the basics such as "The Art of War". Such warfare is more tactical. Other good books on the subject are Che Guevara's "Guerrilla Warfare" and Alberto Bayo's "150 Questions For A Guerrilla" along with the US military's COIN manual.
Agreed since von Clausewitz expanded more on the modern military. Von Clausewitz is more for Colonels and Generals, mostly strategic warfare. I lean more toward asymmetrical warfare and cut to the basics such as "The Art of War". Such warfare is more tactical. Other good books on the subject are Che Guevara's "Guerrilla Warfare" and Alberto Bayo's "150 Questions For A Guerrilla" along with the US military's COIN manual.

Nice, I have never heard of Bayo.
When you stop frantically googling, paraphrasing the words of other people, plagiarizing without attribution, and stop having emotional meltdowns , posters might find you more credible

JEsus H Christ, dude. Seriously. Other than the word "coined" what evidence do you have that I am plagiarizing????????????

And how are you not doing the exact same thing? You aren't a chemist of any why do you talk about the origin of life as if you know something about it? YOU USE OTHER PEOPLE'S RESEARCH.

God damn, man.