JPP has become...gasp!

He was still better than any option the right put forward and 100 times better than Bush in every measure.

You dumbasses had Edwards! You couldn't pick Edwards!?!?!? Geez, you throw out some lurch looking dude and then you get all the dumbass hoocies voting for the guy who wears his jeans better. Proof? Bush won!
You dumbasses had Edwards! You couldn't pick Edwards!?!?!? Geez, you throw out some lurch looking dude and then you get all the dumbass hoocies voting for the guy who wears his jeans better. Proof? Bush won!

That happened because t he democratic primary voters, really, really, really, wanted to get rid of bush. We were “at war”. Bush if you remember, talked of little else but how the terrorist were going to get you if you voted democratic. So they put away their hearts, and decided to go with their heads by nominating a war hero, assuming that you couldn’t take a war hero and say he was a pussy.

What they found out that was, in this “support the troops” country, you absolutely can take a war hero and turn him into a pussy…and a coward…and an actual traitor. If he has a D after his name. You absolutely can do that and call yourself a patriot while you are at it.

So that was a tough lesson…
He thinks the site is a bit left-leaning nowadays.

No, it's that the right is looking dumber and dumber by the day.

You've got plenty of wingnuts here. BB, disreputable, Meme, Dixie, Bravo, superfreak.

The problem is, they are either dumb as shit....or, they are always wrong.
Why would that matter? Do you deny that a person argued that?

Not with me, I said they didn't matter if they exist that they were not sufficient reason to attack.

Again, not from me. I stated many times before we ever went that Bush had stated that Iraq had nothing to do with it and linked to statements to that effect. This is a form of 'repeat it often enough'.

Yup, and I agreed, as well as many on the right, but wanted both ends fixed at the same time. Otherwise it only stops one form of cheating.

Again, not with me. Your memory is other people's opinion not a fact of right or left.

LOL. The failed infrastructure is due to far more than this administration. This, in particular, is a sign of exactly what I said. You only hear what you want.

Damo my point was I was told I was wrong on all of these issues and posted on them and tried to talk about them to hear nothing but scorn from the right.

The facts are that the Republican party has relied heavily on lies and obfuscation of the facts to further their agenda over and over and over again for years now.

The truth has a left wing bias in our world today.
Damo my point was I was told I was wrong on all of these issues and posted on them and tried to talk about them to hear nothing but scorn from the right.

The facts are that the Republican party has relied heavily on lies and obfuscation of the facts to further their agenda over and over and over again for years now.

The truth has a left wing bias in our world today.
Whether some people argued with you about this it was opinion they were arguing. Currently the pendulum swings left and left opinion is more popular, but it doesn't make "fact" lean at all.

You think that because of the way you express 'fact' is more popular it makes it more 'correct'. Opinion-wise, it seems that way, currently more people think your opinion is more correct. But fact doesn't change regardless of where the pendulum swings.

There were those who argued against this war using opinion expressed from the right. Such as myself. Some who argued against it based on opinion expressed from the left, such as Saoirse, but that didn't change that we were both "correct" in our opinions. The facts were not what was argued.
Not true. Currently the pendulum of opinion leans that way, but opinion is not the same thing as "truth". I warned those on the right that thought there would be a "permanent majority" that this would happen. I'll tell you the same. The pendulum swings.

Nah, you're just coming back to the right of centre, you've all been so far out on the right that you forget what "moderate" looked like. :cof1:
stupid presidents have stupid voters.

Go ahead dems steal that one, you know you want to.

Why would a dem want to steal it you said it right.
It covers bush and bush voters very well as well as stupid presidents and voters of any party.
Kennedy was stupid ?

I agree Johnson was, but then he was a texican.

Carter was smart but an ineffective president, an honest man if=n a den of thieves will not long last or be supported by those thieves.
Kennedy was stupid ?

I agree Johnson was, but then he was a texican.

Carter was smart but an ineffective president, an honest man if=n a den of thieves will not long last or be supported by those thieves.

Kennedy certainly acted stupid, whether or not he was on paper. He prolonged critical judgement of his administration by dying, and at the same time did the worst thing of all - left us at the mercy of his VP.