JPP lefties and packing the court

Well, to return to the actual topic post, why do think adding Justices to the Supreme Court is suddenly a bad thing?

It isn't unconstitutional, no where in the Constitution does it say the Court has to have nine Justices, and the only reference to it was FDR's thought of so called packing the Court which is always portrayed as a negative

But in reality the only thing that kept the Court at nine Justices was tradition, a precedent dependent upon closure/filibuster as its' common denominator, Mitch blew that when he made approving a Justice simply a majority vote, the last three Trump Justices were approved without minority say, they are political, as would be adding additional Justices, you can think Mitch for that one

And Biden's thought is legitimate, form a watchdog Committee to determine down the road if the Court becomes strictly a partisan political entity, and if it does, add Justices to balance it out, makes sense

At least you are honest enough to admit that you want to pack the court. If your side wins and we suddenly have 13, how many should my side put in next time we win?
"Reforming" the court which means getting a court that will sign off on the agenda of the Revolution is essential for the Revolution, so it will be done.
Yakamutts post may be the richest piece of posting bullshit that I have EVER seen!

Denying Garland was the BIGGEST instance of "agenda pushing" and "court packing" in recent history. And this tRump "knobgobbler" has the audacity to acuse the left of court packing. Simply hilariously stupid of him.

Well, when several prominent Democrats strongly encourage adding Justices to the Court if they win the presidency and Senate, that is advocating court packing.

Of course, the media has tried to pretend that filling vacancies in the Court is court packing, but this technique only works when so many people are both ignorant and illiterate.
Well, to return to the actual topic post, why do think adding Justices to the Supreme Court is suddenly a bad thing?

It isn't unconstitutional, no where in the Constitution does it say the Court has to have nine Justices, and the only reference to it was FDR's thought of so called packing the Court which is always portrayed as a negative

But in reality the only thing that kept the Court at nine Justices was tradition, a precedent dependent upon closure/filibuster as its' common denominator, Mitch blew that when he made approving a Justice simply a majority vote, the last three Trump Justices were approved without minority say, they are political, as would be adding additional Justices, you can think Mitch for that one

And Biden's thought is legitimate, form a watchdog Committee to determine down the road if the Court becomes strictly a partisan political entity, and if it does, add Justices to balance it out, makes sense

....and if the Democrats add more Justices next year (if they win the presidency and Senate), what's there to stop the Republicans from doing the same when they return to power?

The reason why packing the court is bad is because it turns the Court into a farce. You would just have a continually expanding court whenever there is a change in power. Rulings would be repealed whenever there was a party change of power.