JPP leftists can relax. Price if eggs are coming down

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
the price of eggs has come down 11% and are lower today than when Trump took office

Promises made. Promises kept.

I know how important this was to JPP leftists so they can now rest easy

Or will they find something else to kvetch and flail on and on about?
You have to understand. POTUS could bring inflation and unemployment down to Zero, lower the cost of living, raise the standard of living, put a stop to all wars and solve healthcare. NONE of it would matter,.....NONE. With the left it is all about power and control,...nothing else matters. The left is purely driven by envy of others , is a corruption of the mind that began in the 60's and has only become more ingrained. They will NEVER be happy until every single person is guaranteed an EQUAL outcome even if that equal outcome means that everyone is issued a monthly food allotment,...3 sets of standard grey Ho Chi minh jammies and a small apartment in a cement block building where the electricity is turned on 6 hours a day. These stupid bastards actually believe that the only things that separate people are money, status, and possessions. They couldn't be more wrong. You could strip people down where everyone was walking around wearing a barrel and there would STILL be winners and losers,...liked and disliked, popular and those who don't merit a second look. Its NOT about " THINGS" dummies.........its about YOU.
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I thought for sure our leftist friends would be rejoicing with this news. Especially Jarod who started many a thread asking about egg prices. Now that it is a kept promise, nothing from our legal mastermind.
how crazy that the leftists were so concerned about the price of eggs yet can't bring themselves to give the President kudos for bringing prices down that Biden raised.

Promises made. Promises kept