JPP leftists - were they "born that way"?

Are leftists born, or is leftism a choice?

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Well based on the depth of their inanity I'd say born that way.

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Thanks for your answer. Did you vote? Unlike a DEMOCRAT, I allow only real voters to participate. Your vote in the thread may be the only time you can be sure that your vote isn't cancelled by fake votes.

Lol I haven't voted yet i am looking for a dead person to vote in my place. Election integrity???? Wow.
It is Churchill's best quote.

Except he didn't say it, as far as anyone can tell.

That's what "apocryphal" means, and it's why I specified "apocryphally attributed to Winston Churchill". :palm:

A quote apocryphally attributed to Winston Churchill says, ‘If you’re not a liberal when you’re 25, you have no heart. If you’re not a conservative by the time you’re 35, you have no brain.’