It's a good thing that you are too old to have any more children of your own.
Listen up, asshole. I lost a child. It has affected everything in my life since then. If you can't understand the pain that a bereaved parent feels every second since, then you have NO soul. Oh. I forgot. You lost a grandchild. Well, I lost a cat, too. But it wasn't your child.
"All the messages"? Try one.
Asking friends for hugs in the time of remembrance of a devastating loss is not a pity party. It is reaching out for compassion, a concept that you and yours don't comprehend. Christie and Frog are my wonderful friends and they responded to my need for a hug and a kiss. It helped.
And no matter how their politics grate on my nerves, you will NEVER again reach the level of friendship for me that they have.
So go back to the shrews that you call friends and leave me alone.