JPP Right Wingers Raised by Crap Parents


Verified User
I was raised to cover my mouth when I coughed so the jump to face masks was an easy one. I want to express my sympathy for those raised by crap parents and find covering your mouth as a way to minimize the spread of disease a mystery. Please be assured that those of us with you know actual parents know that covering your mouth works.
I was raised to cover my mouth when I coughed so the jump to face masks was an easy one. I want to express my sympathy for those raised by crap parents and find covering your mouth as a way to minimize the spread of disease a mystery. Please be assured that those of us with you know actual parents know that covering your mouth works.

Nervous Nancy Pelosi must have had crap parents.

No mask at the hair salon that she went to, violating the Covid rules, Katzguts.
I was raised to cover my mouth when I coughed so the jump to face masks was an easy one. I want to express my sympathy for those raised by crap parents and find covering your mouth as a way to minimize the spread of disease a mystery. Please be assured that those of us with you know actual parents know that covering your mouth works.
you should be bound and gagged for posting this tripe
You would look just dandy with a fresh new coat of feathers.

Like this photo of you?


Nah, your look isn't for me.
I was raised to cover my mouth when I coughed so the jump to face masks was an easy one. I want to express my sympathy for those raised by crap parents and find covering your mouth as a way to minimize the spread of disease a mystery. Please be assured that those of us with you know actual parents know that covering your mouth works.

mom, if she were still alive, would have suggested you wear gloves so you couldn't type something this stupid on the internet.......
I was raised to cover my mouth when I coughed so the jump to face masks was an easy one. I want to express my sympathy for those raised by crap parents and find covering your mouth as a way to minimize the spread of disease a mystery. Please be assured that those of us with you know actual parents know that covering your mouth works.

Low IQ among the right wingers is hereditary, so there's not much help for them.