JPP Right Wingers Raised by Crap Parents

I was raised to cover my mouth when I coughed so the jump to face masks was an easy one. I want to express my sympathy for those raised by crap parents and find covering your mouth as a way to minimize the spread of disease a mystery. Please be assured that those of us with you know actual parents know that covering your mouth works.

Sadly your parents didn't break your fingers after they gagged you, or we wouldn't be bombarded with your incessant BS. LOL
How on Earth did your mother expect wearing gloves would keep you from spreading your cough your mother was an idiot

well, despite the fact she thought Carter was the best president we ever had, she was at least smart enough to know my post was about you spreading lies instead of me spreading germs........that ranks her above you on the intelligence scale......
I was raised to cover my mouth when I coughed so the jump to face masks was an easy one. I want to express my sympathy for those raised by crap parents and find covering your mouth as a way to minimize the spread of disease a mystery. Please be assured that those of us with you know actual parents know that covering your mouth works.

And what did the sire and dam that spit you out teach you? That men have vaginas and women have penises?That systemic racism elected a black man to the highest fucking office in the country? That a black man is demonstrably more likely to be killed by another black man than by a cop let alone a "racist" cop but racism is the problem? You fucking assholes think everyone is as fucking stupid as you.
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And what did the sire and dam that spit you out teach you? That men have vaginas and women have penises?That systemic racism elected a black man to the highest fucking office in the country? That a black man is demonstrably more likely to be killed by another black man than by a cop let alone a "racist" cop but racism is the problem? You fucking assholes think everyone is as fucking stupid as you.

I was raised to cover my mouth when I coughed so the jump to face masks was an easy one. I want to express my sympathy for those raised by crap parents and find covering your mouth as a way to minimize the spread of disease a mystery. Please be assured that those of us with you know actual parents know that covering your mouth works. Why is reading hard for you/
I was raised to cover my mouth when I coughed so the jump to face masks was an easy one. I want to express my sympathy for those raised by crap parents and find covering your mouth as a way to minimize the spread of disease a mystery. Please be assured that those of us with you know actual parents know that covering your mouth works.

Like this?


or this?


Or maybe this?

I was raised to cover my mouth when I coughed so the jump to face masks was an easy one. I want to express my sympathy for those raised by crap parents and find covering your mouth as a way to minimize the spread of disease a mystery. Please be assured that those of us with you know actual parents know that covering your mouth works. Why is reading hard for you/

You realize masks don't do a fucking thing right? Another sad exmple of a leftist ass wiper who has caused himself brain damage.
I was raised to cover my mouth when I coughed so the jump to face masks was an easy one. I want to express my sympathy for those raised by crap parents and find covering your mouth as a way to minimize the spread of disease a mystery. Please be assured that those of us with you know actual parents know that covering your mouth works.

You mean like Nancy Pelosi?
I do, one of the best Speakers of the House in our history.

Why wasn't Nancy wearing a mask is they prevent the spread?

Her lie was she was set up. Anyone that could be duped that easily is a moron. Just like you, cunt, for thinking Obama's skin color was a qualification.

She's worthless as a person and a Speaker.
Why wasn't Nancy wearing a mask is they prevent the spread?

Her lie was she was set up. Anyone that could be duped that easily is a moron. Just like you, cunt, for thinking Obama's skin color was a qualification.

She's worthless as a person and a Speaker.
Poor brain dead racist.
I was raised to cover my mouth when I coughed so the jump to face masks was an easy one. I want to express my sympathy for those raised by crap parents and find covering your mouth as a way to minimize the spread of disease a mystery. Please be assured that those of us with you know actual parents know that covering your mouth works.


I tell you what, there's not that much traffic on that street today. New York will most likely implode due to leftist policies.