JPP takes an art class

I was in a bar once and there was only one seat open at the bar and it was right next to this gorgeous blonde in a skin tight business suit that showed all her curves. I mean she was HOT!! So I sit next to her at the bar and she turns and looks at me. I give her a great big smile and say "Hi, my names Mott, what's yours?". She smiles, reaches over to shake my hand and says "Hi, I'm Debbie". Sensing an opportunity I said to her "Debbie you're beautiful, can I buy you a drink?" and she turns on me with a vicious sneer and says "You paternalistic creep! Don't you think I can afford to buy my own damned drink? Get a clue asshole!".

Well needless to say that pissed me off, just then the bartender walks over and I'm still pissed off so when he asks "Whatyahave pal?" is say to him "Get me a beer and get the douchebag next to me a drink."

The bartender scowls at me and says "Hey pal, we don't use that kind of language in this establishment." so I say, fine, you're right...please get the lady next to me a drink."

So he turns to Debbie and says "Ma'am, what will you have?"

She scowls at him and snaps "Vinegar and water!"
Not particularly politically incorrect, IMO.

What's the difference between a ton of coal and a thousand Jews? Jews burn longer.

I remember a thread on /k/ about usjng an oven to bake cosmoline out of rifle stocks. When someone asked where they could find an oven large enough for their rifle, you can imagine the jokes that ensued.