when Katzgar mixes his meth with horse dewormer and inhales it, he posts stupid shit on the internet....
See this is how we know people like you have pus between your ears you're the one that's on the horse dewormer
when Katzgar mixes his meth with horse dewormer and inhales it, he posts stupid shit on the internet....
I inhaled again last night
I can't resist horse dewormer..wait maybe its bleach? I am so confused?......
just look at the label on the bottle skippy
I don't put labels on the bottles I fill with the meth I make?......
my meth labels say FDA approved
isn't that irresponsible of me?.....
There are wicked side effects for humans taking in Ivermectin too?!!
You're confused
????.....I'm the one stupid enough to take horsewormer.......