Juan McCain - Born in the USA?

Battleborne, there's an old saying.

Never wrestle with a pig. It accomplishes nothing, you get as dirty as the pig, and the pig enjoys it.

A word to the wise.

Or did you think you were accomplishing something?

Exactly. People who think that Vietnam and Iraq were there to protect our liberties are dirty little stinky pigs who deserve no respect. So buh-bye.
Well thats true.............

Battleborne, there's an old saying.

Never wrestle with a pig. It accomplishes nothing, you get as dirty as the pig, and the pig enjoys it.

A word to the wise.

Or did you think you were accomplishing something?

However I did okay on retirement...I can afford to shower every day...
I would say this satire pretty much represents all anti-McCain thought that I have heard. Someone shock me with an intelligent attack on McCain's conservative and Republican credentials...

"Heez az liburl az Hilluree Clintun!" -Neopopulist Opponents of McCain

That's all you'll get, McCain has an 85% rating in the Conservative side, he is a traditional Conservative. This Juan McCain garbage is as close to an anti Conservative agreement against McCain as you'll get.
Anyone who would say that is not an American and deserves to have their citizenship immediately revoked, and then they need to be taken outside and shot in the back of their head while they weep and beg for mercy. Then they need to be cremated and have their ashes scattered in the Southern Ocean. No family members may be present.

wow nice quote...
Well, my feeling about this whole situation is that the military really hasn't done anything at all to protect my freedom in the past 60 years. Including such things as murdering students at Berkely, if anything, they have restricted it.

Man you're on a role...