Judge Rules Jury Can Consider Manslaughter Charge In Zimmerman Trial

Sure...the republican judge appointed by a republican governor is showing bias. I'm not surprised.

btw...anyone else notice West is acting like Yurt? He's about to be censored and tossed in jail if he doesn't quit the incessant whining.

Showing your bigotry again ?....Politics has nothing to do with this case....wtf does her being appointed by a Rep. have to do with anything.....

Republican presidents appointed Earl Warren (Eisenhower), William Brennan (Eisenhower), Harry Blackmun (Nixon), John Paul Stevens (Ford), Anthony Kennedy (Reagan), Sandra Day O'Connor (Reagan), and David Souter (Bush I). Unlike Democrat appointments, to think Republicans try to stack the courts with conservatives is pure bullshit.
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Why? Martin had barely turned 17 when he was gunned down. In Florida, and I suspect most states, you lay a hand on a kid and it's abuse.

But you tiny brain only processes the phrase in the most extreme circumstances. Hell, if you touch an adult without their permission you can be charged with assault.

Not when the 'kid' is trying to beat your brains out ( not applicable to you ) and threatens to kill you, fool.

and if Martin was alive today, he probably would be charged with assault.
Showing you bigotry again ?....Politics has nothing to do with this case....wtf does her being appointed by a Rep. have to do with anything.....

Republican presidents appointed Earl Warren (Eisenhower), William Brennan (Eisenhower), Harry Blackmun (Nixon), John Paul Stevens (Ford), Anthony Kennedy (Reagan), Sandra Day O'Connor (Reagan), and David Souter (Bush I). Unlike Democrat appointments, to think Republicans try to stack the courts with conservatives is pure bullshit.

Most of those presidents you listed did run with an R behind their names, but they were pretty left leaning. Reagan would not be elected by the Teapublicans today, you would call him a Communist.
Not when the 'kid' is trying to beat your brains out ( not applicable to you ) and threatens to kill you, fool.

and if Martin was alive today, he probably would be charged with assault.

Zimmerman's story, and the phrases he used as Trayvon's words were cliches. Although it is not funny, they made me laugh they were so obvious.
Most of those presidents you listed did run with an R behind their names, but they were pretty left leaning. Reagan would not be elected by the Teapublicans today, you would call him a Communist.

Reagan was left-leaning? I'd be surprised if many of today's Democrats or liberals agreed with that statement.
Why? Martin had barely turned 17 when he was gunned down. In Florida, and I suspect most states, you lay a hand on a kid and it's abuse.

But you tiny brain only processes the phrase in the most extreme circumstances. Hell, if you touch an adult without their permission you can be charged with assault.

Then after acquittal, Zimmerman should file a civil suit against Trayvons parents for assault.
Most of those presidents you listed did run with an R behind their names, but they were pretty left leaning. Reagan would not be elected by the Teapublicans today, you would call him a Communist.

Nonsense, but your entitled to your opinion....anyway,

what does the judge in the Zimmerman case being appointed by a Rep. have to do with anything
and thats what we're talking about....that Rep. could have been a little liberal too....
I watched it also, I've seen much worse, and not only is the judge entitled to ask those questions, she is required to do so, or any conviction would be easily thrown out on appeal.


Kathi Belich, a journalist following the trial for a local news channel, tweeted her surprise at the line of questioning, writing “I have never seen that in more than 30 years of court reporting.”

Yet you've seen worse ?.....bs.
A judge said Thursday that jurors in the George Zimmerman case can consider the lesser charge of manslaughter, but she delayed ruling on whether they may also consider third-degree murder after defense attorneys called the proposal “outrageous.”

Prosecutor Richard Mantei argued that instructions for third-degree murder should be included on the premise that Zimmerman committed child abuse when he fatally shot 17-year-old Trayvon Martin because Martin was underage.

But defense attorney Don West called the proposed instruction “a trick,” and he accused the prosecutor of springing it on the defense at the last minute.

“Just when I didn’t think this case could get any more bizarre, the state is alleging child abuse?” West said. “This is outrageous. It’s outrageous the state would seek to do this at this time.”

West questioned how Zimmerman could be charged with child abuse while Martin was on top of Zimmerman “pummeling him.”

Judge Debra Nelson says she will rule on the proposal later. The judge, however, agreed with the prosecution that jurors could consider manslaughter as a lesser charge.

West said he wanted the six jurors to only consider the second-degree murder charge or not guilty.

“The state has charged him with second degree murder. They should be required to prove it,” West said. “If they had wanted to charge him with manslaughter … they could do that.”

Jurors could begin deliberating as early as Friday. Prosecutors were expected to give closing arguments Thursday afternoon, followed by the defense closing on Friday morning.


By any means necessary to get a conviction. Surprised they did not tack on littering and jay walking as well.

As far as I'm concerned; this is no different then a Police Officer giving you a ticket for...whatever...and then when it goes before the Judge and the Officer figures out that he's losing, he turns to the Judge and says "I also want to now issue him a ticket for speeding". :palm:
Sometimes its the defense asking for the lesser to be included, its not always the State. The side with the weaker case is often the one making the argument. The judge was patient and polite, the guy simply objected too many times to the same situation. One objection is enough, once its overruled you have made your record.

She should have let him finish his objection, instead of interrupping him.
From what I saw, is that him not being allowed to finish his objection is why he continued doing so; because if Zimmerman is convicted, and it's appealed, all the objections have to be concise to what the objection is, or else they aren't allowed.
The act of shooting TM was child abuse, IF it was not self defense.
that's an absolutely ridiculous argument and you should be disbarred for agreeing with it. It's as preposterous as the brady campaign including people under the age of 24 as children for their dead kids stat.
Not when the 'kid' is trying to beat your brains out ( not applicable to you ) and threatens to kill you, fool.

and if Martin was alive today, he probably would be charged with assault.

If Martin was alive...

I'm sure his loved ones wish he was alive and being charged with assault.
I doubt it, since Zimmerman was following him, he has a right to stand his ground.

You and I can follow anyone we want.....at least once and no one can or should stop you....its perfectly legal

when its reoccurring and overt threatening, its stalking and not legal.....
You and I can follow anyone we want.....at least once and no one can or should stop you....its perfectly legal

when its reoccurring and overt threatening, its stalking and not legal.....

When the defense is self defense, you can't be following them, when told by the police, we do not need you to do that.