Julian Castro declares for 2020

I don't trust ANY media source these days. I insist on watching, listening, and reading everything the lefties do, AND everything that righties do. At that point, I have exactly twice as much information to go off of than any lefty does, since lefties only consume lefty media and half of the story. I don't trust any of it, but I consume it all!

There are some I avoid because they are too far gone, Crooks and liars, daily Kos, Newsmax, world net daily are 4 examples of sources you should be mocked for using.
You've asked them if they ever had representatives from the federal government come into their building to visit/evaluate programs? and the answer was never?

That is correct. Why would anyone from the federal government go to a public school?
Public Schools are funded by the local property taxes, state, and federal government....it is what it is...an we ask the feds not to visit?

Public School funding from the Feds comes by way of DoE grants and are wholly voluntary for the schools to accept.
You said that no one from the federal government visits schools. ever...They do.We had visits more than once....

What were the visits about?

Likely to certify/verify the grants the DoE gives to schools that are wholly voluntary for the schools to accept.

So...what is your point?
What were the visits about?

Likely to certify/verify the grants the DoE gives to schools that are wholly voluntary for the schools to accept.

So...what is your point?
Not what the visits were about- and the programs are not ‘optional or "voluntary"...What is your point?
There are some I avoid because they are too far gone, Crooks and liars, daily Kos, Newsmax, world net daily are 4 examples of sources you should be mocked for using.

I deserve to be mocked then, since I especially love Kos. I frequent Kos as often as I visit Infowars, they are both fantastic recreational media sites. Far left and far right fringe propaganda is something that I like to know about, and there is no better source than fringe sites. Skipping over Dailykos leaves a little blank spot in a broad base of knowledge and results in self imposed ignorance. Remember that a big part of what makes lefties what they are is self imposed ignorance where they shield themselves from the other half of the information that is available. The trick is to not trust ANY media source, and to treat them ALL as propaganda.
Who Kicked The Republicans Ass by 9.5 Million Votes ...

Then he Kicked their Ass again by 5 Million Votes ...

Hell ... even Hillary Clinton Kicked Trumps Ass by 3 Million Votes ...

Did that Surprise you?

Who lost the house to Republicans by 63 seats? Who lost the Senate to Republicans by 7 seats?

Who lost to Trump in 2016?

Did that surprise you? :laugh: You're beyond mere stupid.
I really like Kamila Harris, her style and calmness reminds me of Obama, but I am going to keep an open mind for a lot longer... I think there will be like 40 candidates.