July 2nd! Happy Independence Day !

Ya know... It's kinda like Christmas... For whatever reason, we have decided to celebrate December 25th as the day that Jesus was born. Folks who were born in the USA are well aware of their history. sLIMEballs from across the pond should just sit back, STFU, have an icecream cone, and let real Americans celebrate their own national holidays whenever they want.
You're a real American?
A coward who deserted the USA and moved to a nation that holds malicious intent?
Your a real American?
A coward who deserted the USA and moved to a nation that holds malicious intent?

Yep. I am. I'm a proud Navy retiree who wore Navy Blue for 25 years in service to my country... And now, the taxpayers of that grateful nation are gonna pay me a nice retirement check every month for the rest of my life, and then they'll pay my much younger wife a healthy portion of that for the rest of her life. Thanks!
Yep. I am. I'm a proud Navy retiree who wore Navy Blue for 25 years in service to my country... And now, the taxpayers of that grateful nation are gonna pay me a nice retirement check every month for the rest of my life, and then they'll pay my much younger wife a healthy portion of that for the rest of her life. Thanks!
And you pay taxes to the nation of Mexico?
And you pay taxes to the nation of Mexico?
not income taxes. I pay those to the IRS just like every other person who earns money in the USA. I own property through a bank trust in Mexico and pay property taxes on it. That's the only tax I pay here. The rest of my taxes go to Uncle Sam.
not income taxes. I pay those to the IRS just like every other person who earns money in the USA. I own property through a bank trust in Mexico and pay property taxes on it. That's the only tax I pay here. The rest of my taxes go to Uncle Sam.
So you pay some tax to the Mexican nation?
Speaking of fugue states, I am going to Fire Island and staying a couple of days, my friend invited me and they are having a huge party tomorrow night with tons of fire works. And I plan on spending the next couple of days in a fugue state from pot and the best organic margaritas in the world.

That sounds pretty friggin' awesome!

In terms of what to celebrate this 4th of July - I am VERY HAPPY I am in a country where women have the right to vote! So glad not to be in Saudi Arabia or countries like that. And while we still have to stay vigilant to keep minorities from being blocked from their right to vote, at least in theory we DO say everyone has the right to vote! (18 and over, and ex-felons vary from state to state aside... hey! we need something to work on!)

And I DEFINITELY will be celebrating that marriage equality took a huge step forward last week with the defeat of the one part of DOMA and the ruling of lack of standing in Prop 8. Little by little, we are continuing to make this a country where all are equal, which I think is one of the best damn ideas of our country!

Have an awesome 4th of July everyone! and if you've been celebrating since the 2nd and you plan on keeping on till at least the 8th - good for you! Keep on to Aug 2nd, what the frack!!!

We have marriage equality in California! and it's continuing to spread across the country! And my friends who are married don't have to worry that if they are married to someone of the same gender they won't get federal benefits! And I can vote!!! swallow THAT you conservatives on this forum!

It's all good; and we're getting better all the time!
So you pay some tax to the Mexican nation?
I own property in Mexico. One would expect to pay property taxes, wouldn't one? If you still owned a piece of land in Britain that had been in your family, wouldn't you expect to pay property taxes on it even though you lived in Massachusetts?
That sounds pretty friggin' awesome!

In terms of what to celebrate this 4th of July - I am VERY HAPPY I am in a country where women have the right to vote! So glad not to be in Saudi Arabia or countries like that. And while we still have to stay vigilant to keep minorities from being blocked from their right to vote, at least in theory we DO say everyone has the right to vote! (18 and over, and ex-felons vary from state to state aside... hey! we need something to work on!)

And I DEFINITELY will be celebrating that marriage equality took a huge step forward last week with the defeat of the one part of DOMA and the ruling of lack of standing in Prop 8. Little by little, we are continuing to make this a country where all are equal, which I think is one of the best damn ideas of our country!

Have an awesome 4th of July everyone! and if you've been celebrating since the 2nd and you plan on keeping on till at least the 8th - good for you! Keep on to Aug 2nd, what the frack!!!

We have marriage equality in California! and it's continuing to spread across the country! And my friends who are married don't have to worry that if they are married to someone of the same gender they won't get federal benefits! And I can vote!!! swallow THAT you conservatives on this forum!

It's all good; and we're getting better all the time!
Marriage equality!!
All good!!
Spying on us citizens, militarized police, targeted taxation, executive corruption not so good!!

Who was it again who said;-

"My Friends, we live in the greatest nation in the history of the world, I hope you will join me as we try to change it"?

Happy Fourth of July.
I own property in Mexico. One would expect to pay property taxes, wouldn't one? If you still owned a piece of land in Britain that had been in your family, wouldn't you expect to pay property taxes on it even though you lived in Massachusetts?
I own property in the UK, pay taxes on it, I also pay income tax on my pension.
The UK however has no written desire to take over parts of the USA in its legal framework.
Nor do Zambia or Zimbabwe.