Juneteenth is America’s second Independence Day—here’s why

Almost all of the black people with whom I've had significant discourse do that.
I don't remember any of my black brothers and sisters in my union, for example,
talking like the cast of "Good Times."

If you're telling me that they speak differently among themselves, that an actual revelation to me.

You worked with them

Believe me with your attitude towards non white people

They were not your friend

You have just demonstrated why they would not talk casually with you
Almost all of the black people with whom I've had significant discourse do that.
I don't remember any of my black brothers and sisters in my union, for example,
talking like the cast of "Good Times."

If you're telling me that they speak differently among themselves, that's an actual revelation to me.

Black people are always aware of their surroundings I know this as a multiracial person
Juneteenth is known to some in the United States as the country’s “second Independence Day.”
Known to WHO, exactly? Before a couple of years ago, most people had never even heard of the term 'Juneteenth', let alone recognize it as anything meaningful.

Observed each year on June 19, the holiday marks the end of slavery in Texas at the end of the Civil War.
Meh. Democrats just wish to re-write their pro-slavery history (which continues to this very day).

On their official party website, they refuse to highlight anything significant that they did within the first 100 years of their existence as a party (they begin their highlights with the 1920s, trying to take credit for the women's suffrage movement, which was, you guessed it, actually Republican pioneered and pushed). They also suck at mathematics, as their site claims that their party has existed for "more than 200 years", even though 200 years ago from today would be 1823, and they didn't exist as a party until 1828.

Feel free to peruse through it if you want a good laugh: https://democrats.org/who-we-are/our-history/

For more than 150 years, African American communities across the country have observed this holiday—from social gatherings in Emancipation Parks to church services and other events.
Has it? I'm sure that, as recently as five years ago, hardly anyone (even African Americans) knew what 'Juneteenth' was. I had never even heard of it myself until the chatter about making it a federal holiday.

But Juneteenth has increasingly been celebrated nationwide;
Has it?

Outside of media propaganda about it, IOW "in the real world", I haven't seen any significant increase (from zero) in celebration of Juneteenth. I recall recently seeing one small banner on a building of the word 'Juneteenth' (in a very liberal area). Other than that? Literally nothing.

For decades, many southern Black communities were forced to celebrate Juneteenth on the outskirts of town due to racism and Jim Crow laws. To ensure they had a safe place to gather, Juneteenth groups would often collectively purchase plots of land in the city on which to celebrate. These parks were commonly named Emancipation Parks, many of which still exist today.
Before a couple years ago, most people (including those of us who are dark-skinned) hadn't even heard of the term 'Juneteenth', let alone celebrated anything with regard to it. If they wish to celebrate anything with regard to emancipation, they should be celebrating the Republicans who freed them from their chains.
Known to WHO, exactly? Before a couple of years ago, most people had never even heard of the term 'Juneteenth', let alone recognize it as anything meaningful.

Meh. Democrats just wish to re-write their pro-slavery history (which continues to this very day).

On their official party website, they refuse to highlight anything significant that they did within the first 100 years of their existence as a party (they begin their highlights with the 1920s, trying to take credit for the women's suffrage movement, which was, you guessed it, actually Republican pioneered and pushed). They also suck at mathematics, as their site claims that their party has existed for "more than 200 years", even though 200 years ago from today would be 1823, and they didn't exist as a party until 1828.

Feel free to peruse through it if you want a good laugh: https://democrats.org/who-we-are/our-history/

Has it? I'm sure that, as recently as five years ago, hardly anyone (even African Americans) knew what 'Juneteenth' was. I had never even heard of it myself until the chatter about making it a federal holiday.

Has it?

Outside of media propaganda about it, IOW "in the real world", I haven't seen any significant increase (from zero) in celebration of Juneteenth. I recall recently seeing one small banner on a building of the word 'Juneteenth' (in a very liberal area). Other than that? Literally nothing.

Before a couple years ago, most people (including those of us who are dark-skinned) hadn't even heard of the term 'Juneteenth', let alone celebrated anything with regard to it. If they wish to celebrate anything with regard to emancipation, they should be celebrating the Republicans who freed them from their chains.

No one believes you are a person of color
No one believes you are a person of color
He's shit-colored.....self-painted.

Known to WHO, exactly? Before a couple of years ago, most people had never even heard of the term 'Juneteenth', let alone recognize it as anything meaningful.

Meh. Democrats just wish to re-write their pro-slavery history (which continues to this very day).

On their official party website, they refuse to highlight anything significant that they did within the first 100 years of their existence as a party (they begin their highlights with the 1920s, trying to take credit for the women's suffrage movement, which was, you guessed it, actually Republican pioneered and pushed). They also suck at mathematics, as their site claims that their party has existed for "more than 200 years", even though 200 years ago from today would be 1823, and they didn't exist as a party until 1828.

Feel free to peruse through it if you want a good laugh: https://democrats.org/who-we-are/our-history/

Has it? I'm sure that, as recently as five years ago, hardly anyone (even African Americans) knew what 'Juneteenth' was. I had never even heard of it myself until the chatter about making it a federal holiday.

Has it?

Outside of media propaganda about it, IOW "in the real world", I haven't seen any significant increase (from zero) in celebration of Juneteenth. I recall recently seeing one small banner on a building of the word 'Juneteenth' (in a very liberal area). Other than that? Literally nothing.

Before a couple years ago, most people (including those of us who are dark-skinned) hadn't even heard of the term 'Juneteenth', let alone celebrated anything with regard to it. If they wish to celebrate anything with regard to emancipation, they should be celebrating the Republicans who freed them from their chains.

dumb fuck

For more than 150 years, African American communities across the country have observed this holiday—from social gatherings in Emancipation Parks to church services and other events.
Why do you hate this history being taught then shit face?
It's not history being taught, cum-bubble, it's history being fabricated.

You should be PROMOTING IT to polish the Republican Party name huh
What you are trying to say is that I should be promulgating dishonesty to throw a lifeline to a sellout political party. No, thanks.

But you don’t
How observant of you, oh Dullard-on-High.

Because now in history (not a hundrred years ago) the Republican Party hates black people
Nope, that's the Democrat Party, i.e. the party that never surrendered slavery and that still wants to see every "black" man in chains. But now that the Republican Party is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Democrat Party, it won't be long before the mandatory changes are effected and the Republican Party HATES blacks as ordered by the Democrat Party, the party of slavery.
Cinco de Mayo is actual history. Juneteenth is fictional historical revisionism. Cinco de Mayo is far more meaningful, especially in LA.

June 19th is an actual anniversary, dumbass. People who aren't literally shitfaced understand.

“The people of Texas are informed that, in accordance with a proclamation from the Executive of the United States, all slaves are free. This involves an absolute equality of personal rights and rights of property between former masters and slaves, and the connection heretofore existing between them becomes that between employer and hired labor. The freedmen are advised to remain quietly at their present homes and work for wages. They are informed that they will not be allowed to collect at military posts and that they will not be supported in idleness either there or elsewhere.” —General Orders, Number 3; Headquarters District of Texas, Galveston, June 19, 1865
You’re just another good, old fashioned bigot.
You're just another good, old-fashioned hater of humanity who relishes in the killing of living humans who have not committed any crime. You're a good, old-fashioned piece of shit.

Oh, look at the HATER who's pretending to sit in judgement. Are you chastizing Nifty Niblick for not propagating the stereotype that blacks aren't intelligent enough to speak English properly? Why, yes you are. That wouldn't be because you are a good old-fashioned bigot who HATES black people and would prefer to see them aborted, would it? Why is Nifty Niblick a bigot for advocating against the stereotype of blacks being morons? I'm all ears.

You're an intellectual coward and a HATER. It makes my day when you pretend to be some sort of moral champion.
June 19th is an actual anniversary, dumbass. People who aren't literally shitfaced understand.
Nope. You're one of the stupidest people on the internet. If you are insisting that it is so, it most certainly isn't. You haven't gotten anything right in any of your posts so it's only fitting that you would insist that this has been an actual historical thing to more or less confirm that it never was. Thank you.

Now Terry, with your brain stem fully relaxed, bend over for your male nurse.

Cinco de Mayo is actual history. Juneteenth is fictional historical revisionism. Cinco de Mayo is far more meaningful, especially in LA.
Lol, you just keep posting nonsense

Juneteenth is a federal holiday in the United States commemorating the emancipation of enslaved African Americans. Deriving its name from combining June and nineteenth, it is celebrated on the anniversary of the order, issued by Major General Gordon Granger on June 19, 1865, proclaiming freedom for slaves in Texas. Wikipedia

Date: Monday, June 19, 2023

Observed for: 1 years

Also called: : Juneteenth National Independence Day; Jubilee Day; Emancipation Day (TX); Freedom Day; Black Independence Day;

Celebrations: Festivals, partying, parades, church services

Observances: African-American history, culture, and progress

Related to: Emancipation Day; Honor America Days

Significance: Emancipation of slaves in the United States

You're just another good, old-fashioned hater of humanity who relishes in the killing of living humans who have not committed any crime. You're a good, old-fashioned piece of shit.

Oh, look at the HATER who's pretending to sit in judgement. Are you chastizing Nifty Niblick for not propagating the stereotype that blacks aren't intelligent enough to speak English properly? Why, yes you are. That wouldn't be because you are a good old-fashioned bigot who HATES black people and would prefer to see them aborted, would it? Why is Nifty Niblick a bigot for advocating against the stereotype of blacks being morons? I'm all ears.

You're an intellectual coward and a HATER. It makes my day when you pretend to be some sort of moral champion.
Ahhhhh, you mad bro? Smoochie whoochie