Just a Reminder...

we are not going to police every single person that gets hurt feelings. This is a debate site and that is inevitable. I think damo is talking about more specific and repetitive vitriol. Not to mention open threats. Very little (if any) of which has been directed towards dixie.

My post was meant to be a joke. I understand what Damo is talking about. I'm probably on that short list of people he is policing.

And I have made it clear that I am not going to flame that person any more.
My post was meant to be a joke. I understand what Damo is talking about. I'm probably on that short list of people he is policing.

And I have made it clear that I am not going to flame that person any more.

Just gonna put it up here and see what happens. Solitary's personal info:

Steven O. Ludman
4327 W. Klan St.
Bedsheet Falls, AL 53271
(401) 731-2728
The kind of flaming that Damo was referring to was a personal information war where two posters kept on posting personal information about each other one after another to flame the other. It's a very disgusting thing to watch how low the human mind goes.

It is the only time I've ever seen Damo intervene to stop a flame war. Incessant harrassment of another posters, or two posters incessantly harrassing each other, in an extreme way (like threatening them, saying disgusting things about family members, or posting personal information) is what I believe he is referring to.

I may call Dixie an idiot everytime I see him, but I don't hound him just to do it, nor do I threaten or try to intimidate him.

is information already published on this board private?
My post was meant to be a joke. I understand what Damo is talking about. I'm probably on that short list of people he is policing.

And I have made it clear that I am not going to flame that person any more.

You weren't bad about sol - Kingraw was disgusting.

But you shouldn't ever give out personal information on the internet, no matter what grind says.