You know what makes me mad? You know what makes me so angry I could take a chlorox enema?
It's all these daggoned internet Trolls. Why they make me so mad I could kiss a spitting cobra.
First there's that USFreeWillie feller. I've seen more articulate oil stains then him, Then thars that Waterhippo fella, he's bout as useless as rubber lips on a woodpecker, Then thars that Topshit feller. If'n all MBAsses twer like him then it would explain why all our businsesses are movin ta Chiner. Now I like that thar Dixie feller but he's more high strung then a Jehovas Witness on crystal meth. Then thars that Threediot fella. Why doesn't someone just slap his momma? Oh yea I almost forgot Biffy. What the hell is up with his foot?
Wake up Amerika!
We have enough problems in this country what with us all bein invaded by Canuks, Mexicans and CPA's! We need an invasion of Trolls bout as much we need Tommy Chong as head of the FDA! So here's what I says. Let's take all these trolls and usem for fishin bait!
Buttz Out.