Just an update.....


New member
Hey guys,

I am having issues with my thumbs. I am hoping that it's too much message board activity on my tablet and my cell.

I am trying to give the board a break for a bit.

Anyway... my update is this...I got the job that I interviewed for. I start on 10/7.
Look, whenever I get one from here it looks like a wide eyed man saying 'cool story, bro', with a face bordering on derision. Am I . . . odd?

w.e. I 'm happy for you!
glad to hear it. I remeber the night before the interview SPlate; guess you didn't need the sleep afterall..
Thank you all...and ILA? Kiss my ass!

For those not in the know, ILA hoped that I wouldn't get the position.

The bad thing about this job is that I'm going to lose 5 hours a pay period. The good news is that I'll have every weekend off and work 8-4. That means a lot more opportunities for me to pursue music and probably make up at the very least, most of that loss through paid performances....if not exceed that loss.

I live in a rural area, and gigs don't pay much. But if we can grab 2-3/ month, I will be better off than I was.
Hey guys,

I am having issues with my thumbs. I am hoping that it's too much message board activity on my tablet and my cell.

I am trying to give the board a break for a bit.

Anyway... my update is this...I got the job that I interviewed for. I start on 10/7.

Great news, sorry about the thumbs. Hurry back
Great news, sorry about the thumbs. Hurry back

I am on my desktop at the moment so my fingers are doing most of the work. I think I need to get a Cortisone shot in my thumb(s).

I have been exclusively using my Kindle Fire(at home) and my Droid(away from home) to connect to the internet for quite some time. It seems to be affecting my right thumb more than my left. Ibuprofen helps a little.... but I have a feeling that when I do go to the doctor, he's gonna recommend the injection. I have issues with my Left Elbow too... I get an injection about every 6-8 months. They attribute it to playing guitar as much as I do. They offered surgery to tighten up the troublesome ligament, but also told me that they can go down to every 60 days(two months) of injections without doing damage to the joint...so I am holding off on surgery until it gets much worse.

the thumb thing really sucks. You don't realize how much you need that appendage until every time you use it shoots pain.
my update is

i want to be walking down a city street when all of a sudden a pack of leopards or a lions pounces out of no where, knocking me to the ground with such force that i can't even
properly process the passing of time, everything will just be frozen in that moment. The impact of the cement sidewalk will siphon the air out of my lungs like a vacuum, until they collapse in on themselves. I wont even be afraid, I'll accept it's just the nature of things, content to play my final role. It'll be like that moment when you are dreaming and your legs are jelly, and you have failed to outrun whatever was chasing you. You lost, and it's time to wake up. Then the lions will start devouring me ravenously. I wont be worried about the pain, I think the adrenaline should be able to take care of that. I want them to eat my legs and arms and rip open my torso, pulling my intestines out like spaghetti, stretching muscle and tendons and tissue out everywhere as if I were stuffed with cotton. They will pop my stomach open as if it were a balloon. I want pieces of my liver and kidneys to be stuck in between their teeth, and when they spill my blood all over the sidewalk they will slurp it all up. When all is said and done, there will be no trace of me having ever been there.
my update is

i want to be walking down a city street when all of a sudden a pack of leopards or a lions pounces out of no where, knocking me to the ground with such force that i can't even
properly process the passing of time, everything will just be frozen in that moment. The impact of the cement sidewalk will siphon the air out of my lungs like a vacuum, until they collapse in on themselves. I wont even be afraid, I'll accept it's just the nature of things, content to play my final role. It'll be like that moment when you are dreaming and your legs are jelly, and you have failed to outrun whatever was chasing you. You lost, and it's time to wake up. Then the lions will start devouring me ravenously. I wont be worried about the pain, I think the adrenaline should be able to take care of that. I want them to eat my legs and arms and rip open my torso, pulling my intestines out like spaghetti, stretching muscle and tendons and tissue out everywhere as if I were stuffed with cotton. They will pop my stomach open as if it were a balloon. I want pieces of my liver and kidneys to be stuck in between their teeth, and when they spill my blood all over the sidewalk they will slurp it all up. When all is said and done, there will be no trace of me having ever been there.

Well, you're in for a downer; Lions typically bite the throat for a quick kill. You won't feel much.
Thank you all...and ILA? Kiss my ass!

For those not in the know, ILA hoped that I wouldn't get the position.

The bad thing about this job is that I'm going to lose 5 hours a pay period. The good news is that I'll have every weekend off and work 8-4. That means a lot more opportunities for me to pursue music and probably make up at the very least, most of that loss through paid performances....if not exceed that loss.

I live in a rural area, and gigs don't pay much. But if we can grab 2-3/ month, I will be better off than I was.

what makes you think anyone really gives two shits about your update? Was it all the "where the fuck is Steelplate?" threads? What a narcissistic prick you are

Oh and I hope the pain is excruciating
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my update is

i want to be walking down a city street when all of a sudden a pack of leopards or a lions pounces out of no where, knocking me to the ground with such force that i can't even
properly process the passing of time, everything will just be frozen in that moment. The impact of the cement sidewalk will siphon the air out of my lungs like a vacuum, until they collapse in on themselves. I wont even be afraid, I'll accept it's just the nature of things, content to play my final role. It'll be like that moment when you are dreaming and your legs are jelly, and you have failed to outrun whatever was chasing you. You lost, and it's time to wake up. Then the lions will start devouring me ravenously. I wont be worried about the pain, I think the adrenaline should be able to take care of that. I want them to eat my legs and arms and rip open my torso, pulling my intestines out like spaghetti, stretching muscle and tendons and tissue out everywhere as if I were stuffed with cotton. They will pop my stomach open as if it were a balloon. I want pieces of my liver and kidneys to be stuck in between their teeth, and when they spill my blood all over the sidewalk they will slurp it all up. When all is said and done, there will be no trace of me having ever been there.

with eyes wide and a face bordering on derision.....
Hey guys,

I am having issues with my thumbs. I am hoping that it's too much message board activity on my tablet and my cell.

I am trying to give the board a break for a bit.

Anyway... my update is this...I got the job that I interviewed for. I start on 10/7.
Congrats on the job and you'd probably better look into the ergonomics of how your using your tablet...maybe considering switching back to a keyboard.

Best of luck with the new position!
Hey guys,

I am having issues with my thumbs. I am hoping that it's too much message board activity on my tablet and my cell.

I am trying to give the board a break for a bit.

Anyway... my update is this...I got the job that I interviewed for. I start on 10/7.

I'm so happy to hear you got that job! It sounded like there were a lot of people interviewing for it - congrats!