Just Booked My Trip to Vegas!!!!!!!!


Vegas sucks big time...Adults Disneyland....commercialism gone amuck...oh yeah baby what is done in Vegas stays in Vegas...uh huh...if ya believe this lie..ya are a lost cause! Just ask Vegas PD!;)

Nope have relatives in Apple valley. Just down the road from the RR homestead though I think.

Ya get a reprieve...My old Partner from Dept of Treasury has retired in 'Apple Valley'...'Val' is a card to say the least! Both Val as in Apple Val'ley...as well as Val as in Vladimir...He became a UScit from Czechoslovakia via Germany back in the day...got his citizenship faster by joining the Army!
Any tips? Beside the drunken debauchery that will make up most of hte trip, we plan on going out to Red Rock for a day. Any other ideas of what we can do while we're in Sin City?

P.S. No plans that require one to be sober please.

Thanks in advanced.

Oh this is great Tiana! Have a wonderful time.