Just Curious

yeah I have to say our new posters are top notch. Both tekky and steel. I am very glad to have them here. Only downside is that Tekky is so normal I don't know if she'll be able to last here for long, not with all us crazies.

Yeah, I logged off early last night. I realized all the forum titles were zimmerman/martin/crap from ILA and Legion and Yurt - I really hate some of their nasty titles - and "howey yurt howey yurt"

When I realized I was getting annoyed with Rune, decided it was time to log off.

Steelplate helps keep me sane. But I'm on the forums for entertainment and to learn some new stuff, and what most people here find entertaining, well, it doesn't appeal to me.

But hopefully it's just summertime.
oh - and yes, I know the forums aren't all about me! I'm not trying to say anyone should change. Just letting you know my perspective.
the right gets upset when you force the facts to be recognized.

I have gone non insult twice in my internets adventures for a year each.

it merely made the right treat me even worse trying to goad me into reacting.

I never did.

I would merely announce in a thread that the experiment was over and outline how they had reacted.

Its the FACTS they hate not the silly insults.
What do you do with people who refuse science?

what do you do with people who refuse the very dictionary definition of words?

What do you do with people who NEVER NEVER see any racism no matter how blatent it is?

What do you do with people who SCREAM about an underwear pick on one side and then vote back in a guy who wore diapers to his favorite whore who was latter found dead?

What do you do with people so dishonest they wont even call the other party by its real name?

What do you do with people who refuse reams of court documentation that their party has cheated in elections for decades?

What do you do with people who adhere to a economic philosophy that refuses to use the correct math to come up with their ideas?

you just keep forcing the facts into their faces and insult them for their inability to face reality.
oh - and yes, I know the forums aren't all about me! I'm not trying to say anyone should change. Just letting you know my perspective.

it sure is about you. I value your contributations and your opinions on the site greatly. You are less insulated than the rest of us because many of us have seen each other be nasty but also good, so I think some take things with a grain of salt a little more.
how can you hate tosh.0?

Tosh is hilarious. He definitely pushes the boundaries, but he is a comedian. He also makes fun of himself regularly which is a big reason why I don't find him that offensive. If you can laugh at yourself then you get more freedom to laugh at others.

You critics know he is getting Fallon's slot as Jimmy moves up? I think it will be interesting to see how he handles that.
What do you do with people who refuse science?

what do you do with people who refuse the very dictionary definition of words?

What do you do with people who NEVER NEVER see any racism no matter how blatent it is?

What do you do with people who SCREAM about an underwear pick on one side and then vote back in a guy who wore diapers to his favorite whore who was latter found dead?

What do you do with people so dishonest they wont even call the other party by its real name?

What do you do with people who refuse reams of court documentation that their party has cheated in elections for decades?

What do you do with people who adhere to a economic philosophy that refuses to use the correct math to come up with their ideas?

you just keep forcing the facts into their faces and insult them for their inability to face reality.

You welcome them into the liberal party and then elect them into a political office.
yeah I have to say our new posters are top notch. Both tekky and steel. I am very glad to have them here. Only downside is that Tekky is so normal I don't know if she'll be able to last here for long, not with all us crazies.

Tekky is good, as is Steel. My problem with Tekky is she's sooo liberal, yet keeps thanking me. It sometimes turns my head. Luckily there are the groans to keep me grounded.
Tekky is good, as is Steel. My problem with Tekky is she's sooo liberal, yet keeps thanking me. It sometimes turns my head. Luckily there are the groans to keep me grounded.

On the plus side.....if Tekky is thanking you despite her political leanings...at least you know she's reading what you are saying without bias.
aw shucks; I do try to judge comments individually....not by the individual's political standings.

Don't always succeed, of course!